Chapter Thirty-One: Second Heartbreak

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“So that’s all?” Mom said, after I finished my story. “You guys are breaking up?”

I sighed and slouched on my seat. “We’re not yet over… I mean, not officially. But it’s been two days, Mom. He’s not calling me and I always hear from Heather that Ashley’s always in his house. It’s clear! He chose her over me!”

“If he truly loves you, he won’t give up on you easily,” she assured me. “I’m pretty sure that Garret truly does love you.”

I was in the coffee shop with my mother. She doesn’t usually go out in places where vampires were hanging out. But this time she made an exception because I wanted her to comfort me. And so we sat there on our table while thirty percent of the customers were staring at us.

I told my mom about my dilemma. Garret never called me for two days, and I assumed that he chose her over me. And even though he chooses me, he still wouldn’t have a chance. For two days, I can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t think – I can’t even talk properly.

“That’s bullshit,” Mom decided and took a sip from her coffee.

I blinked at her. Never did she say a bad word in front of me. “Bullshit?”

“Yes,” she said, shrugging. “This situation is bullshit!”

I sighed in relief. Thank God she understood. “I know, right? He should have called—”

“No, I don’t mean that it’s bullshit because he didn’t call you. It’s bullshit because you’re not doing anything to get your man back,” she corrected me.

“What?” I said in shock. “You mean I should march in his house and demand not to marry her?”

“Melanie, dear, if I was in your position, I’d be with my man,” Mom said as if she was stating the obvious. “I will not let anyone have him. I will not give up easily! I will fight for him because I love him! That’s what you should do, honey. If you truly love Garret—”

“I do!”

“Then fight for him!” she said, patting my hand. “Even if Richard wants him to get married with Ashley, you will try anything you could do.”

“But what could I do?” I asked, and rubbed my temples. “I couldn’t do anything, Mom! I’m out of choices…”

“No you’re not,” Mom said. “Elope with him.”

I looked at her in horror. “What?”

“Just joking,” she said, giggling. “Couldn’t you take a joke?”

I glared at her. “This is not a laughing matter! This is serious!”

“Well, you two could elope,” she said, nodding. “That would be okay for your father and I. Just try to communicate with us once in a while. You could go to London, in our place.”

“That still wouldn’t work,” I said, shaking my head. “Garret’s child would grow up without a father. And even if Ashley marries, the child would be living in a lie. I can’t let that happen – because I’m selfish. I have to understand Ashley’s position too.”


“Seriously, Mom. That’s not even an option.”

Mom took a long sip of her coffee and then looked at me, studying my face. Her blue eyes stared right back at mine and I looked back at her. She seemed to be thinking hard. She closed her eyes and let out a big sigh. When she opened them again, she wasn’t looking at me in the eyes.

“Well, I guess, there’s one last thing…” she said, her voice trailing off.

I raised an eyebrow and felt hope rising in me. “Oh really?”

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