Epilogue: In Springfield

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P R E S E N T  T I M E


“That was such a beautiful story, Mom,” Heather says as she yawns. “But I’m really sleepy now.”

I smile and tousle her hair. “Do you like the story?”

“Yes, but I’m afraid it’s make-believe,” Gregory says and crosses his arms across his chest. “I mean, really?”

Garret nudges his son’s arm softly. “It’s not make-believe. Your mother and I really did all those things.”

“Now off to bed,” I say and pull the covers on Heather. I kiss her forehead. “Good night, sweetheart.”

“Good night, Mommy,” she whispers sleepily and then closes her eyes.

Gregory, two feet away from his sister, yawns. He gives Garret a hug and then tells me, “Good night, Mommy.”

“Good night, Gregory,” I tell him and kisses his cheek.

Garret and I both walk to the door and switch off the light.

It has been ten years since Garret and I got married. A lot of things changed for those ten years. My parents had finally resigned in their position and now Garret and I are the King and Queen of the Vampire Kingdom. My parents are currently living in London, where they grew up and met.

Roxanne and Jerome got married eight years ago and now they have a daughter named Violet, who is seven years old.

Xayranne and Flynn added two more children in their family and now they have five children – all in all. James and Jennifer are in their teen years. We still keep in touch with them, and now they take turns babysitting our children.

Eight years ago, I bore my first child, Gregory. Okay, Garret chose this name because first, it started with a ‘G’, like him. And because it sounded so classy and manly. I rolled my eyes at that, but accepted. Whatever makes Garret happy.

Two years after that, I bore my second child, Heather. I obviously named her after the woman who sacrificed her life to save us all. But she doesn’t know that yet. She will, though, when she grows up.

“Oh look, it’s our tenth-anniversary tomorrow,” Garret say, nodding to the calendar on the wall. “What should we do tomorrow?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Let’s just go to the beach or you know, have lunch with Jerome, Roxanne and Violet?”

“Gregory seems to like Violet more than a friend,” Garret suddenly says, his eyes widening.

I roll my eyes and playfully slap his arm. “He’s still a child. Let him be a child. Plus, he’s only eight years old.”

“If only Violet knows her father used to go out with Gregory’s mother,” he says and laughs out loud.

I blush and slap his arm – this time, hard. “You bastard. That was in the past. He and Roxanne are married now and they have a child!”

“You know, Xayranne and Flynn should stop having kids,” Garret says and shrugs his shoulders. “They have five children now. And to think Jennifer and James are grown-ups!”

“Well, if they want to have more children, then they should,” I say. “I like their children, anyway.”

“Do you want to have more children, Melanie?”

I give him a weird look. “Where is this going, Garret?”

He wraps his arms around me and smirks. “Maybe you want to have more children?”

“Heather and Gregory are enough,” I say, laughing. “But if you want…”

“Nah, I just want to have sex.”


“Just joking,” he says but kisses me nonetheless.

I kiss him back and then smile throughout the kiss.

“I love you,” Garret say and look at me seriously. “After all these years, I never got tired of you. I will always love you, Melanie.”

“I love you too,” I reply and snuggle closer to him. “Why don’t we continue this in the bedroom?”


Garret scoops me in his arms and we both laugh loudly. I’m already thirty-four, and I’m still acting like a teenager whenever I’m with Garret.

Or maybe it’s just love? I don’t know. I have eternity to figure it out.

An eternity with Garret.


Only a short epilogue, but I guess I want to have the ending as simple as it could be. Don't want to have an overwhelming ending :)) Hope you like it guys!!

- Bella, xoxo.

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