Chapter Ten: Seduction

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“I’m going to have a drink,” I said as I walked down the stairs hurriedly.

            Mom was frowning when I reached the ground floor. “What kind of drink?”

            “A human one.”

            “Who’s going to be with you?”

            I turned around and faced her. “Mom, I’m going to be safe. Trust me.”

            Mom narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “I don’t think so. I’m not letting you go. You have to be with someone.”

            “Then by all means, join me.” I rolled my eyes.

            “I can’t. There’s a meeting—”

            “Then I’ll go on my own. Trust me, Mom. I’m going to be safe, I promise. I’m a big girl now. And besides, I can take care of myself.”

            “Why don’t you wait for your dad and I to finish the meeting, Melanie?”

            “I’m thirsty. I haven’t drunk for three days!”

            “Then make it four,” she tried to joke.

            I gave her a look.

            She sighed and scratched her head. “I just don’t want you to be alone. Jensen is out there and maybe he’s with Fiona. I lost you once, Melanie. You were gone for seventeen years. Do you think I want to take the risk of losing you again?”

            “Mom, I was a baby that time. I couldn’t fight anyone. But I’m a grown up now. I can fight, you know that.”

            She sighed again and gave in. “Fine. But,” she said quickly and raised her index finger, “I want you back before eleven in the evening.”

            “But what if there are a lot of humans—”


            I sighed. She’s making me feel like I’m a teenager once again. “Okay, okay. Fine, I get it.”

            “Be safe!” was the last thing I heard when I stepped out of the house.

            I breathed in that summer air. It was already evening – eight, to be exact. I was wearing tight jeans, a tank top and a jacket over it. My hair was on a ponytail and my knee-length boots made a clicking sound whenever I step on the ground. I started walking, placing my hands inside the pockets of my jeans.

            Since I don’t know how to drive, I have to suffer walking to the club – which is outside the vampire town. I love walking, so it’s not really that bad but sometimes it just gets so annoying.

            After thirty or forty minutes, I arrived at the club. I got in easily and I smiled at the bouncer. He seductively smiled back as I stepped in the club. Sorry, but no, I don’t drink from bouncers. They have to protect the club and all that.

            I walked inside the club while the song, Scream and Shout was playing. It was very noisy and you have to yell so that you would be heard. I hugged myself protectively and then stayed at the side. Somehow someone would see me and ask me to dance with him. Then that’s the moment I’d flirt on him and when he’s really, really drunk or seduced enough, I would lead him outside. And there, I would have my drink.

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