Chapter 14: Mine

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Lisa POV

Jennie said that I don't  need to prepare but in my mind I want to please her so I bought big bouquet of flowers and chocolates because Bam told me that if I will be visiting my future girlfriend's house I need to do this. I also cooked something to give to her family later at the dinner. I am waiting for Jennie to arrive. I heard that there is someone opening the door of my apartment and it is Somi, she has something on her hand. She looks shy and problematic. Then she is holding my favorite food. I accept it then put it on the table.

S: Lisa I am sorry about the kiss. I will not do that again. Please don't be angry at me.

I am just sighing and massaging my front head.

L:  That's ok now Somi. I am not angry anymore but please don't do that ever again.

I hug her and kiss her forehead. She accept my hug then she is glancing at me after and I think she is wondering.

S: Lis, what's with the flowers and chocolates? And since when you started cooking? Are you celebrating something?

L: Oh this, I am actually invited to go to a dinner right now. 

S: But why do you look like you are going to court someone with all those courting stuffs? And you are fucking handsome with your attire!

L: Oh these are just for gratitude for inviting me to go to her house.

S: Oh... so it's a she! Who invited you Lisa?!

L: Hey calm down why are you shouting? It's Jennie, she invited me to have dinner with me at her house. And I think she is already here because I can see a car outside. Hmmm... I need to go, bye Somi see you later!

I am about to leave her, but she is crying so loud. What's wrong with her? I am battling to leave or to stay because my bestfriend putting me in this kind of uncomfortable situation. My phone is ringing and then I check the caller ID. It's Jennie, what, should I do? She is already flooding me text messages.

J's message: Lisa if you're planning to ditch me right now. I will bald your hair!!!!!

I feel nervous. I tell Somi that I need to leave and I will talk to her later after the dinner but she is trying to block my way. Fuck what's her problem?

L: Somi I need to go.

S: No you will not go to that house.

L: Then what should I tell to Jennie?

S: Lisa give me your phone I will talk to her.

Somi grabs my phone harshly and answer Jennie's call.

S: Hello Jennie, this is Somi. I already told you earlier that you need to stay away from Lisa right? You can go home now she will not go to your fucking house!

J: Yes I clearly heard you, but I am warning you Somi. You better fuck off right now. If Lisa will not be here in our car in 2 minutes I will burn your fucking apartment. I don't care if you are in a relationship but I need her right now. As in now! Your time is running!

Then Jennie hanged the phone.

L: Somi why did you shout at her and what's with that attitude? Please don't block my way. If you will not give me a chance to see her right now. You will never see me again in this apartment.

Somi is sobbing and looks devastated I pity her right now. So I said to her that I will be back later then hugged her. I am walking toward Jennie's car I have my flowers, chocolate and the food I prepared. I am planning to tell her that if it is possible we can move the dinner next time because my bestfriend is feeling alone right now, maybe she can grant my request.

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