Chapter 36: I love you

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Lisa POV

I know Jennie is mad right now but why does it look like I did something wrong to her. Well in fact she is the one who hurt me and left me yesterday because of that guy. Maybe because Jennie is very insensitive she doesn't think that I was jealous. She is more focused on her own feelings more than the feelings of others. And because of what happened last night, it get me scared to leave Jennie with other guys. I am taking risk now, I will pursue her no matter what happens. I am planning to tell her everything before it's too late for us.

I am very loyal to her. There are so many temptations around me. But she is the only woman I long and crave for because I am really sure that I am in love with her. I want her to be my future. And because I am so whipped to her, I should say sorry even if it is not my fault. I respect her feelings more than what I feel. When she said that I don't have guts to say that I love her, my mouth is very eager now to say in front of her to assure her that I am not just playing with her heart.

L: Jennie, you are the only woman that I lo....

H: Dude, what happened to you?

Shit! What a nice timing Hanbin.

J: Lisa let's just talk later. Hanbin please check on Lisa. Don't let her go out from this clinic until the nurse say so.

L: Fuck No Honey.

I want to run to her but my body is so weak. I know Jennie is very confused and frustrated because I am very hard to handle. I know Jennie struggling too and I understand why she's like that. Why do I need to suffer like this, I even involved my Jennie.

H: Dude, I will take care of you. I noticed you on the class. I know that you are not feeling well.

L: Thank you Dude. I am so sorry I didn't  know that you are back now from your rest. I am happy to see you again.

H: Don't worry about me Dude. Take a rest for now.

Hanbin guide me and take care of me until Somi is here already and ask me to take me home right now. I am just waiting for Jennie because she chatted me that I need to wait for her.

Rose POV

I am done with our music club activity today. This foundation week is so frustrating. I am looking for Jisoo now so we can go home together. And I am smiling in my mind because tomorrow is her birthday. I am so excited and I hope she will be happy with my surprise for her. When I am about to get near to her, I saw her laughing to a girl. It looks like the woman is enjoying the company of Jisoo. They joined an activity. I wave my hand to Jisoo, she immediately glance to me and go towards my direction. Because of my curiosity I ask her who the girl is. She's laughing. It looks likes they are comfortable with each other.

R: Who is that girl?

Js: Ah she is Diana. She's the one I am closed with. Remember when I told you about the girl who helped me pass the activity that I failed.

R: Oh and the woman who is closed to your grandfather because her family is a good investor. Am I right?

Js: Yes exactly And she is the one who's on top of our class. She is also the one who gave me gifts even there is no occasion. She is a thoughtful friend.

When Jisoo said to me all that. I get irritated.

R: Does she have a boyfriend?

Js: No, she doesn't. But I think she is a Bi. Why are you asking? Do you want to get to know more about her? I will introduce her to you.

R: No, no. Let's go now. I don't wanna talk about her.

I cling my hand to Jisoo even everyone is watching. I am hugging her also until we get in the car. I am planning to tell her about my feelings on her birthday. I hope she has a same feeling to me. I need to ask Jennie Unnie to instruct me what to do.

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