"Just peachy. How bout you? Nervous?"
"A little. Even though I got briefed thoroughly by my PR guy. It didnt really make it better." I smiled.
"You know I think you were really good the last conferences you went on. I saw a lot of comments saying you were badass."
"Well apparently Ian doesnt think the comments are as important as the articles about me." I sighed and went into the room as soon as the door opened.
"Hi there! How are you doing?" I asked as I walked sat down. Daniel followed shortly and greeted the Media as well.
The first questions were about the last race and how I was going to go on trying to achieve the same result and so on. But as soon as the word was given to the reporters from magazines the conference went downhill.
One question after the other all of them were aimed at me and wanted me to lash out again but I kept my head up and answered all of them with a sickly-sweet smile under my mask.
The smile didnt fade until one of the last questions: "Alexej Peters from Russian Time. How do you think you can get a seat next year? Do you think the Teams will hire a female driver and if not, what will you do instead of racing?"
My smile fell and I took a breath before looking at the camera and starting to answer:" I think the Team principals know when they see a good driver so I dont think they will just hesitate to offer a seat and maybe even success just because the driver isnt male. We live in the twenty-first century I think this shouldnt be a problem anymore. If they do decide against me because they dont see me fit into their team or think my racing isnt good enough then I will accept that and just continue studying and racing parttime. I do hope that you will hear from me again after this season."
Daniel looked over at me and asked: "Youre studying next to racing?"
"Yeah, Im doing my bachelors degree actually. "
"Wow. Wait how old are you?"
"I turned nineteen last month."
"Nineteen? What the hell? I feel old and dumb now".
"No please. I study remotely so Im technically not going to university if that makes you feel better?"
"It doesnt unfortunately. What are you studying?"
"Forensic science. Its really boring so-"
"What is that?"
"Forensic scientists examine evidence from many angles to assist law enforcement officials in solving crimes, sometimes exonerating innocent suspects. Some scientists may be involved in forgery detection while others spend their days examining bodily fluids or fibres through microscopes. But Im mainly interested in assisting law enforcement." I explained.
"Wow, that sounds cool but also scary. Sorry we got carried away. What was the question again?2 the McLaren driver asked.
"She already answered it. Thank you.2 The man answered and the next question got asked.
"Do you think youve got the talent and ability to compete with all the experienced men in the sport, how do you think your gender could be an advantage or a disadvantage and do you think your different body structure will have an impact on your performance?"
"Oh, come on. I came here so pumped to answer some questions." Daniel complained, he knew I was getting angry.
"Im sorry Daniel. Maybe youll have better luck with the next question. To your question, I think that I can compete with the other drivers but ultimately this isnt for me to decide but for the teams that maybe want me to drive for them. My gender is probably a disadvantage because I get asked many stupid questions and comparing to Daniel for example, he has been asked about his performance and the team while I answered questions that have to do with my gender and so on. I dont think I understood the last part of your question. By body structure do you mean my boobs or the lack of a dick between my legs? Because either way I think its none of your business what impact it has on my performance. For what its worth I dont think it has an impact on me because Ive ever raced without my boobs or with a dick. But just so you know, Im glad I have boobs. The last thing I need is people making eye contact with me."
The interview lasted for another three questions that luckily were all directed at the Australian.
Standing up I waved one last time and left the room right after Daniel did. "Those where a bunch of cunts werent they." The driver stated as soon as the door closed.
"Yeah, but it wasnt as bad as the last two times and on the bright side I dont think Ill be racing in F1 much longer if I keep lashing out on them so Ill either keep it together or say goodbye to my chance of proving myself."
"But thats not an excuse to be an asshole! You did deal with them exceptionally well, but I dont think thats the answer to these People!" he raged.
"Its fine Daniel. Im used to those kinds of questions." I tried to reason.
"But you shouldnt be! None of us male drivers would know how to answer any of them so why should you have to know?!"
"Thats just how it is. Im a woman in a male dominated workplace. I dont think if you ask any other women in such a job, theyll answer any differently." I said as we left the building and met our PR teams.
"Now, dont think too much about it and get back to work lazy pants." I said calmly.
"Youre lazy!" the man tried to get back at me.
"You dont have any better insults than that?" I mused as he started laughing.
As he walked away, he said: "Oh you just wait till I see you again!"
"Im scared as hell now!" laughed back.
The following days were filled with free practices and engineering meetings. Managing to qualify 4th behind Max, Lewis and Valtteri I started into my second race day on a pretty good place for improvement.
Finally getting out of the garage for the drivers parade I saw Daniel walking towards me on the back of the truck.
"Hello there! Long time no see!" he greeted
"Hey Daniel, what are you up to on this fine day!" I asked.
"Nothing much. How about you?"
"Same. Just waiting to get in that car and beat your ass."
"You know one day Ill lap you and then you wont be this cocky.
"Oh, you keep dreaming grandpa. Things were a lot different when you were young." I joked, as an interviewer came up to us.
"You know what? well make a bet. Look the camera is right there what do you want to bet?" he asked.
I pointed at my tattoos that were visible under my RedBull shirt, "What if we bet about the gap between us and whoever loses has to get a tattoo?"
"Good idea. If theres more than a 60 second gap between us, you will get a tattoo and if theres less then Ill get one." He suggested.
2Done. Ive been meaning to get another tattoo done anyways so thatll go in one." I agreed.
"Wonderful. We shook hands before I turned to the man standing in front of us with a microphone, Did you want to ask him a question?"

Against all odds
ФанфикShe was one of a kind. An exceptional racer. But she would have to prove herself against all odds. As a mechanic came up to me to strap me in, I tried to seem as confident as possible but as the men on track suddenly started to grab their stuff and...