Chapter 39

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I walked into the club making my way straight to the bar. As I was sitting at one of the barstools, I turned to look for a familiar face. Scanning the crowd, I saw couples making out, people dancing to the thumping music and groups of people standing around tables laughing.

I saw no one I recognized, so I just stayed there sipping a beer until I spotted Lando in the crowd. He was already swaying severely and Im sure if I was close enough, I would be able to smell the alcohol in his breath.

A few moments later he spotted me and pulled Daniel with him as he walked toward me. Well, to be honest, he stumbled toward me.

"Alex! You came! Im sooooooo happy you made it. You look so pretty! Like a dozen, stars fell from the sky and landed on your shirt. Danny, do you see that? How pretty she looks? No dont look shes too beautiful for you." Lando rambled wildly pointing upwards and then putting a hand over Daniels face.

"Yeah. Excuse him. Were happy you made it." Daniel said shoving Landos hand away from his face.

"He looks mighty drunk. What did you give him? I thought he didnt drink? "

"I dont know. He had a bit of champagne and then a beer with the team and then we came here and all he had was a few shots and the beer he has right now. I dont think he handles alcohol that well. " Daniel laughed drunkenly.

"Yeah, I can see that. Well lets do one last toast and then hes to be kept away from all alcoholic beverages?" I suggest.

"Ill try", Danny said.

"To your podium guys!"

"To our podium." They responded.

Half an hour later I went to tell Daniel or Lando I was leaving when I found Danny with a group of mechanics.

"Hey! Im leaving. Wheres Lando?" I asked the Australian.

"I dont know I left him at the bar earlier." He said vaguely gesturing in one direction while struggling to stand up straight.

"In his condition, you left him at the bar?! Show me where you left him." I demanded.

"Fine." He said and stumbled away. I followed him closely till I saw Lando sitting on a barstool with his upper half lying down. In one hand was an empty glass of who knows what.

"Okay, Daniel? I know you have a flat here wheres Michael?" I asked as I turned him towards me.

"Dunno, he didnt want to drink much. He left already. I think hes at the hotel."

"Okay. Please call him to pick you up. You are drunk and cant think straight right now." I explained to him.

"But I dont wanna!" he said in the most 5-year-old manner you can imagine.

"I know you dont but please be smart and do it anyway. "

"No. youre dumb anyway." He said turning around (it looked like he was stumbling for a second) and walking away.

A few meters to my left Charlotte had seen our interaction and when I gave her a please-have-an-eye-on-him-look she nodded. I thanked her and with another silent interaction I told her I would get Lando to his hotel room.

"Hi, Lan! Whats up? You look quite tired. How about we get you to bed huh?" I asked him as softly as I could in this loud club.

I took the glass out of his grip and a bartender came up to me: "Hey could you get your boyfriend out of the club? He surpassed his limit and him laying on the bar is not a good look for him."

"Hes not my boyfriend but I will take him with me."

"Judging by the way he looks at you right now he is."

"Anyways. Thanks for having an eye on him. Have a great night." I said slinging one of Landos arms over my shoulder and pulling him up.

We made our way through the crowd and outside where I put him down leaning against the building. His head was leaning against the wall while I called a taxi.

"Lando? Whats your room number?" I asked him as he was staring off to the side.

"Whoah. You look so beautiful. Like a supermodel but even beautyfuller." He babbled as he looked up at me.

"Thats very kind of you. Do you remember your room number though? "

"I dont know. I think it was something with three hundred in front. Or six hundred. I dont know. Can I have your number?"

"You already have my number, Lando. What am I supposed to do with you huh? "

"You can sleep with me tonight? Like in my bed. You know?"

"Woah. Take me out to dinner first! Besides, how do you want that to go when you dont know your room number?" I laughed.

"Im allowed to take you out to dinner? Wow." He said smiling to himself.

"You are allowed to if you ask nicely first", I explained to him.

"Cool. But why would a girl like you want to go out with me? youre so stunning and Im just me. All of them are just here because of the money I make and not because they like me, I think."

"Oh god." I mumbled to myself, "Lando, you are one of the coolest people I know so if someone doesnt want to go out with you, they are stupid. Also, you are way more than you think. You can always put a smile on my face and Im so glad to know you." I reassured him.

"Really?" he asked quietly.

"Really. And to be honest, you are adorable. Now that we have that settled get up the taxi should be here any moment." I said supporting his bodyweight again.

As the driver pulled up, I opened the door and helped the drunk man inside before getting in myself.

After telling the driver the address of the hotel I turned to Lando again. "Look through your pockets. Where could the key card be?"

I watched as he clumsily patted his pockets down before emptying all their contents onto my lap. A wallet, his phone, and some random pieces of gum. After checking his wallet and finding nothing helpful I gave up.

"Okay. You can put this back in your pockets. You can sleep in my room tonight. Well just sort this out tomorrow." I stated.

He struggled to put his wallet back until he gave up. "I cant fit it in", he whined.

"Thats what she said", I mumbled under my breath causing Lando to burst out laughing.

"Give it here Ill put it in my bag." I giggled helping him out of the car as we arrived.

I supported his weight with my shoulders, and we stumbled into the elevator.

"Come on. Stay awake for me. Just a little longer, okay?" I said as his body got heavier on my shoulders.

"But Im tired!" he complained.

"I know but were almost there and being in a cosy bed is much better than sleeping in this elevator, right?" I tried to convince him.

"But I want to sleep!"

Luckily the elevator opened, and we started making our way past the doors.

As we arrived at my room, I looked for my key card in my bag. "Here lean on the wall really quick until I found the key", I said as he started swaying back and forth.

"Youre so nice. I dont know who would do this for me." he prattled.

"Well, I couldnt just leave you there. Right? Found it!" I cheered as I pulled the card out and unlocked the door.

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