Chapter 25

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"Wie wäre es, wenn ihr drei schon mal einen film einschaltet und ich komme sofort nach, ja?" (How about you three start a movie and Ill join you in a second, yeah?) Chris said and our siblings ran of seeing who could get to the TV the fastest.

I looked at him "Mama? "

He shook his head: "Bei ihrem neuen Freund in Wien." (With her new boyfriend in Vienna.)

"Wie lange schon?" (How long?)

"Jetzt die dritte Woche." (The third week now.) he sighed.

"Wie lange denkst du dauert es?" (How long do you think it lasts?)

"Du kennst sie doch. Wir kommen so weit hier klar und das weiß sie." (You know her. Were fine here and she knows it.)

"Wir wissen beide, dass sie nicht zurückkommen würde wenn ihr nicht klarkommen würdet." (We both know she wouldnt come back if you werent fine here.) I argued. I just got a nod back.

"Ich nehme sie nächste Woche. Geh du und triff dich mit deinen Freunden. Ich überweise dir Geld. Das müsste für die nächsten Monate reichen. Braucht ihr sonst noch etwas?" (Ill take them next week. You go and meet your friends. Ill transfer you some money. It should last for the next months. Do you need anything else?) I asked grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"Wir brauchen eine Mutter, die sich um ihre Kinder kümmert". (We need a mother that takes care of her children.)

"Ich weiß." (I know.) I siged.

"Emi vermisst dich. Sie fragt jeden Tag nach dir. "(Emi misses you. She asks for you every day.)

"Ich vermisse euch auch. Sobald Sergio wieder fahren kann bin ich wieder da. Versprochen." (I miss you guys too. As soon as Sergio can drive again i'll be back i promise.) I said with a pained smile.

"Hey. Mach dir keine sorgen. Wir halten hier die Stellung. Geh und fahre dein Herz raus kleine." (Hey. Dont worry. Well be here. Go and drive your heart out.) he said tapping the top of my head, "Übrigends denke nicht das ich nicht sehe wie du es noch immer tust." (By the way, dont think I dont notice you still doing it)

"Was tun? "

"Du haust dir, bevor du ins Auto steigst, zweimal auf den Helm. So wie es Papa immer getan hat." (Before you get into the car you hit your helmet twice. Just like Papa always did.)

I smiled softly, "ich muss jetzt wirklich los. Wir sehen uns morgen." (I really have to go now. Ill see you tomorrow.)

"Komm her." (Come here) he said pulling me into a tight hug.

"Bis morgen." (See you tomorrow.) I pulled away and put Frankie back into the boot of the car only to find the other drivers already filing into the car.

"Danke das du uns mitgenommen hast." (Thanks for taking us with you.) Sebastian said from the seat next to me.

"Gerne. Emi ist ein großer Fan von dir. Sie möchte Mechanikerin werden und meint immer das du alles über Autos weißt." (Youre welcome. Emi is a big fan of yours. She wants to be a mechanic and thinks you know everything about cars.) I smiled proudly.

A few minutes later we were back where the others had left their cars and we said goodbye before parting ways.

The days up to Saturday went by faster than I would have liked, and it had started raining just before Qualifying started.

Shortly after Q1 ended I left the pits for a second time this afternoon and after a flying lap I noticed the rain getting heavier by the minute.

I think this is a red flag guys. The rain is too heavy, and you cant see a thing out here. I told the team on the radio.

"Copy. Try one more fast lap please." Simon answered and I did as I was told.

Speeding down the DRS Zone up to turn four I briefly saw a car driving in front of me. I didnt know who it was, but he also was on a flying lap as his rear wing was open.

Just as the car was about to take turn 4, I saw it tumbling spinning multiple times, loosing a wheel on the way towards the barrier where it almost came to a halt with a loud thump bouncing back off the barrier, flipping over and landing halfway on the track.

I immediately stepped on the breaks and a moment later I heard Simon on the radio: "There was an accident in front of you. A lot of debris. Watch out at turn 4."

I didnt answer, driving slowly past the wreck looking for any sign of life from the Alpine driver.

As I didnt see any movements and there were no Marshals in sight, I stopped my car and jumped out.

A quick sprint later I leaned down to Alonsos car and started shaking his shoulder as he wasnt conscious.

After a lot of shaking and opening his visor he came to. He was very confused, and I dont think he recognized me as he started to panic and tried to rip his helmet off and get rid of the straps that were holding him in the car.

"HEY! Fernando! Youre okay. You had an accident. Come on. Let me help you out of the car." I said in a stern voice gripping his wrists making him look at me and nod slowly.

He slowly unbuckled himself while I crawled as close as possible to what was left of his car to get a better angle to help him out. After his upper body was flat on the floor, I pulled him the rest of the way out. Helping him up and off the muddy ground.

He was walking away leaning his weight on me as I brought him to the side of the barrier where he sat down.

"Lets take your helmet of. Okay." I said and after I got a nod from his side, I undid his helmet letting him take it off himself.

"What happened?" he asked with a raspy voice.

"You had an accident. The Marshals are already running here. You see them over there?" I explained trying to stay calm.

"My leg hurts."

"You probably injured it in the crash. The medical car should be her any minute." I took my helmet off.

A few moments later there where Marshals everywhere on the scene and the medical car pulled in and Dr Roberts jumped out running over to us.

"Hi doc" I greeted him, "he is confused and said his leg hurts and was limping a little."

"Thank you. Fernando? Is there anything else hurting except your leg?"

"My head. Fuck my head hurts." The Spaniard complained.

A minute later an ambulance pulled in.

Look were going to the nearest hospital to get you checked out. Lets got to the Ambulance. The doctor instructed and him and I both got one of Fernandos arms supporting his weight.

"There you go. Doc do you need anything else from me? "

"No thank you though." And with that the Ambulance was sent off to the hospital.

The remainder of Q2 and Q3 were cancelled due to the heavy rain, and I think Ive never left a paddock this fast in my life.

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