Listening to songs from Everybody Talks by Neon Trees, over You belong with me by Taylor Swift to Adeles I set fire to the rain, we screamed our hearts out.
Rolling down the windows we screamed what we thought were the lyrics to Waka Waka by Shakira we cruised down the streets of France. Turning down the music a little I asked him: "Hey Im hungry. Can you give me a sandwich out of my bag? "
"Sure he gave me one. Do you want the other one?" I asked him.
"May I?" he looked at me questioning.
"Of course! You know, I dont think I should go shopping when Im hungry. I could never eat two of those sandwiches." I told a little lie.
"Yeah, you know how people say that you shouldnt. Its even proven by scientists or something! "he elaborated.
"Oh really?" I smiled.
"Mhm!" he mumbled with his mouth full.
The music doodling in the background we ate our sandwiches. After we were done eating, I pulled a bag out of my purse to collect the trash and we sang along to some Disney songs.
"Into the unknoooooooooowwwnnn Uuuhhhuuuuuu!!!!" the song came to an end and Max looked at me with a guilty face pausing the next song.
"I have to pee." He confessed.
"Really? We've only been driving for an hour?' I asked
He just nodded so I left the Highway and started looking for a gas station.
"Hey Max?" I asked as we got back to the car after we both went to the toilet.
"What is it? You look like its Christmas or something." He answered.
"Wanna go on an adventure?" I questioned.
"Is this going to get us in trouble?"
"Nope. I dont think so. As long as we take the cameras along, we should be fine. So? Are you in?"
"Yeah sure." He gave in and I pulled out of the parking lot.
I drove down a few roads and we ended up in a sort of amusement park.
"Look Max! We can climb up there and do the courses and stuff!" I exclaimed happily.
"Wow! That looks fun! Lets do it." He matched my energy
Spending two hours filming each other doing the courses and pushing each other of the platforms or off some of the obstacles we left and went on our way again.
I sat in the drivers seat again and Max put on some quiet music in the background. Apparently, he was tired because he was asleep a few minutes after we got on the Autobahn.
Three and a half hours later Max was awake again and we were sharing our third bag of chips when we left the highway and made our way into the town Vienne. It was a beautiful place with lots of nice sights.
"Wanna go sightseeing?" I asked him smiling.
"Yeah, and then we can go have some food. Im starving!" he agreed.
"Me too!" I exclaimed and we took the cameras and went on our way through the city.
None of us knew the way but we managed and got to a small restaurant one and a half hours later. The food was incredible, and I would definitely have to come back again. We were just enjoying a Coke and people watching when my phone started ringing.
Mama was on the screen.
"Hi Mama!" I picked up walking a few meters away.
"Ja, ich weiß doch." (Yes, I know.)
"Nächste Woche kann ich sie nehmen. Ja aber nicht jeden Tag Mama. Ich habe einen Job!" (I can take them next week. Yeah, but not every day Mama. I have a Job!)
"Es ist mein Job akzeptiere das doch endlich!" (Thats my job, except that already!)
"Nein ist schon okay. Ich melde mich und dann besprechen wir Details okay?" (No, its okay. Ill call you and we ll take care of the details)
"Tschüss!" (Bye)
Taking a deep breath, I put on a smile and went back to Max who was waiting for me.
"Sorry." I apologized.
"No worries. Jump in the passenger seat and then Ill show you how to drive!" he giggled.
The rest of the journey was spent with singing a few more songs we screamed at the top of our lungs, me raging at other drivers even if I wasnt the one driving (Max laughing whenever I did) and us just talking about everything that came to mind.
Looking back, it was one of the most fun experiences Ive had. We got to know each other pretty well. For example, never give Max more than 3 RedBulls in a span of 5 hours or he will go nuts, the guy has to pee almost all the time (seriously he always has to pee), he eats everything in sight and has just as big of an obsession for Disney songs as I do.
As we pulled into the parking lot of the circuit we were greeted by a few cameras. The team apparently decided they had to turn our trip into a YouTube video and filmed everything after we got out of the car.
"Fuck! My ass hurts!" Max complained as he stretched his limbs.
"Its not that bad Maximus. I think youre a whimp! Cant even take a few hours in a car when his literal job is to drive one." I laughed at him.
"Yeah, but not for eight hours straight?!" he exclaimed.
"Whimp!" I just yelled at him laughing when he rolled his eyes.
"Lets get some work done, shall we?" I suggested.
"Yes, we shall!" Max answered in a fake British accent.
Playing along I said:" After you, kind Sir."
"Oh, my lady! After you, your Highness!" he answered bowing in front of me.
Holding in my laughter I insisted: "Sir, I cant possibly take such a kind offer. Please, after you!"
I saw he had to hold it together as well: "My lady! You are just too humble! It would be my pleasure to walk behind you!"
"Oh no! My kind Sir! I cant let you do this! A noble man like you should walk in front."
Max just wanted to answer when Christian came around asking: "What the fuck is going on over here! What are you doing?"
We burst out into laughter and our boss walked away with his head shaking into the camera: "Kids these days. This is what I have to work with!"
"Oh, dont be like that! You love us!" I screamed from behind him.
"You know what? Sometimes I start to question myself in the simplest things."
"Youre saying loving us is simple?" I awed.
"I take that back. Its the hardest thing ever!"
"Mean!" Max chimed, him and I shaking our heads simultaneously.
"You know what! I think its better I leave now before I get myself in more trouble. I want to see you two in there in 5 minutes tops!"
"Yes Sir!" Max and I saluted earning an eyeroll from Christian.
"Now back to business Sir Maximus! After you."
"Oh no, After you!"
"You know what? How about we burst out of the norm and walk next to each other?"
"That would be scandalous! I love it!" he smiled we walked inside.
We didnt have much time to relax and stretch our legs. As soon as we got inside the building, we got briefed about the video that was going to be filmed the same day.
"Considering we dont know how long youll stay here, Alexandra, we will launch a get to know me video. Max will ask you questions, and youll answer them. Sounds good? the man asked and continued without a pause, Anyways, youll film this in a room of the Motorhome so lets get going. We dont wanna be late."

Against all odds
FanficShe was one of a kind. An exceptional racer. But she would have to prove herself against all odds. As a mechanic came up to me to strap me in, I tried to seem as confident as possible but as the men on track suddenly started to grab their stuff and...