Chapter 45

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I managed to sneak outside and sit down on a bench in the backyard where I took a few deep breaths letting the cold air calm me down.

"Warum hast du es mir nicht erzählt?" (Why didnt you tell me?) Mick suddenly stood in front of me.

"Was?" (What?) I asked confused.

"Dass sie dich rausgeworfen haben." (That they threw you out.) he said coldly holding up his phone with the F1 Instagram post pulled up.

"Mick. Ich wollte es dir sagen, wirklich, ich wollte nicht, dass du es so erfährst ich wusste nicht, wann sie es posten werden. Ich dachte ich hätte noch etwas Zeit. Es tut mir so leid." (Mick. I wanted to tell you, really, I didn't want you to find out this way, I didn't know when they were gonna post it. I thought I had a little more time. I'm so sorry) I said a tear escaping and making its way down my face.

"Ich dachte ich bin dein bester Freund? Ich dachte bei so etwas bin ich die erste Person, die du anrufst." (I thought I was your best friend. I thought I'd be the first one you call.)

"Es tut mir so leid. Mick bitte hör mir zu ich wollte es-..." (Im so sorry Mick listen please I wanted to-)

"Hör auf zu reden, Alexandra. Du hast genug gesagt." (Stop talking, Alexandra. You said enough.)

Another slap straight to the face.

" Mick, bitte- (Mick, please-)

"Nein! Lass mich in Ruhe!" (No! Leave me alone!)

My heart contracted painfully, and I supressed a pained whimper when he left.

Not long after he left, Kimi sat down next to me. My knees were pulled up to my chest with my arms secured around them. Without a word he put a jacket around my shoulders causing shivers to go down my spine from the sudden warmth.

"That didn't sound too great." He whispered.

I just shook my head.

"Everyone knows by now. Just wanted to warn you. What can I do?"

"Thank you. How much did you guys hear?" I breathed.

"A lot. I couldn't understand it Mick didn't hear. He and the others came inside when you went upstairs. So, I don't think he knows. No one understood I think."

"Seb? Max?"

"Yeah, they definitely understood then. And your brother as well."

"Thank you, Kimi." I said looking at him.

"You're welcome." He said putting an arm around me making me lean into the comfort.

"We should go to the Airport now. I was sent to get you. Your suitcase is already in the car."

He squeezed my shoulder one last time before I stood up and went to my room for the last time where I pulled bulky headphones on and blasted my music after hugging my brother goodbye. I then grabbed my carry-on bag and a jacket before finding myself a seat in Micks car. Seb and Kimi were the designated drivers, so Mick wasnt in the car. Lando, Carlos and Charles got in with me, and Seb took his place behind the steering wheel before driving off.

I just stared outside the windows ignoring worried looks from the others. I eventually must have fallen asleep because I woke up to Landos warm hand lightly shaking me.

"We're here Alex." He said softly.

My headphones were on my lap and an unfamiliar jacket was draped over my body.

"Thanks." I said shaking him off and before I could even put my headphones back on, he put a hand on top of mine.

"I didn't understand the fight you had with that woman but just know I'm here if you ever need anything. I can lend you an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Just know that you're not alone." He said before letting my hand go.

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