Chapter 40

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"Come on. The last few meters. "I said as I supported his body again. to the bed where he plopped down.

He swayed back and forth a little as I tried to take off his jacket, "Uuuuh were getting down to business? I thought I was going to take you out to dinner firs." He mumbled confusedly and before I could answer he lost balance and fell backwards onto the bed.

"Oh, no. No Lando. Come up. Ill just take your jacket and shoes off and then you can sleep, okay?" I explained as I pulled him up again. "You are heavier than you look, man." I sighed.

"I am?" he asked disappointedly pulling his shirt up slightly and putting his hands on his stomach to feel his belly "Am I fat?" he questioned again as his lip started to tremble.

"You arent. Youre perfect as you are. I promise. Now, do you think you can stay upright until Im back from the bathroom?" I reassured him.

"Sure, thing sugar." He smiled up at me.

"Never say that to me again", I said from the bathroom

"Here. Drink this. Youll thank me tomorrow." I said as I put a glass of water to his lips. I inspected his face as he gulped the liquid.

His curls were hanging in his face and his eyebrows were kind of scrunched up as if he concentrated on drinking the water. His eyes were closed, and my eyes wandered from his full lashes to his moles and lips that found their place around the edge of the cup. One of his hands held mine around the cup and the other steadied his upper body on the bed.

The glass was empty, and I put it on the bedside table to refill it after I put him to bed.

"Good job. Now lets get your shoes off and then you can finally go to sleep." I said as I opened his shoelaces.

"Thank you for helping me." Lando suddenly said as I pulled his left shoe off.

"Youre very welcome. You know Ill always help you out, right? Thats what I do." I reassured him.

"You always show up for me. And for George and Alex and Mick and Danny and everyone else. You always know what to say and when to be quiet and when to stay and when to leave. I can always ask you for advice even though youre younger than me. I dont know how you do it but youre so perfect." He rambled as I fought with his right shoe.

"Im not perfect. I laughed.

"You ARE. Thats why everyone loves you so much!" he gestured wildly around the room.

"Oh? Everyone? I dont know about that, Hun." I sighed, "If you knew what happened in the last 24 hours you wouldnt be so sure about that." I said as I finally pulled his right shoe off.

"Well, maybe not everyone but I do. I love you soooo much you cant even imagine how much. Like if you could count aaaaaaallllll the stars in the sky and that number wouldnt be enough to tell you how much." He tried to explain as I pulled the sheets back and gestured for him to crawl into the bed.

"I love you too Lando. Now get some rest and we can finish this conversation tomorrow. Okay?" I said as I grabbed the glass and left for the bathroom.

The door wasnt closed properly as I took my makeup off and began to brush my teeth. I was just finished and had changed into my PJs when I heard rumbling from the bedroom and as I opened the door to look at what had happened Lando sprinted past me to the toilet where he lost all his stomachs contents.

I just sat beside him on the edge of the bathtub and rubbed his back while he threw up until there was nothing left to vomit. He was breathing heavy and as he leaned back.

"You feel better now?" I asked softly before flushing. He just nodded.

"Do you want to stay here for a little?" I asked noticing his exhaustion. I again just got a nod in response.

So, we sat there for a while his upper body next to my legs and his head leaned onto my thighs as my fingers started to scratch his head absentmindedly. I dont know how long we sat there but Lando started to sober up on the bathroom floor.

"Cant we stay here?" Lando suddenly asked.

"On the floor of my hotel bathroom?" I asked confusedly.

"Yeah. Away from all judgement, media, and responsibilities. Just you and me. I like it this way. It feels safe here with you." He mumbled looking up at me.

"It does. And with the things going on right now I wouldnt like anything more than to do so. Just lock the door so no one can see me." I murmured trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall.

Silence settled back over us. "Lets sleep here tonight." Lando suddenly concluded.

"What? Why? Theres a perfectly good bed out there." I asked but he didnt listen and laid down on the floor and closed his eyes.

For a moment I looked down at him perplexed but then I got up and left for the bed.

I grabbed a few pillows and blankets and returned to my drunk friend on the floor. My hands were full as I pushed the door open to see him sprawled out on the floor.

"Come on. Scootch over Lan. I want to sleep as well." I said kicking his shin.

"Wha-?" he asked opening his eyes confusedly.

"I said scootch over", I repeated throwing a pillow at his face.


I just ignored him and made myself comfortable next to him, pulling the blanket over the two of us.

"Now. Whos turning the light off?" I asked looking over at him, "because Im certainly not doing it."

"Me neither." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"I dont mind sleeping with it on." I shrugged as well.

"Really?" he said alarmed.

"Nope", I reassured him.

"Ugh. Fine." He sighed and got up.

"Wait my contacts!" I shrieked getting up as well to take out my lenses.

"Really? You could have gotten the lights as well." He moped.

"Yeah, yeah. Got it. You can turn them off now." I said as I put them away and crawled into our makeshift bed.

The morning came and I dont think Ive ever slept so good on a bathroom floor. Lando next to me was still asleep and I dont know how but we ended up cuddling the whole night.

He probably wont remember anyway. I shrugged it off as I got up and went to pick out my outfit for the day.

It ended up being some black jeans, a torn-up T-shirt, and my leather jacket on top for when I had to leave. I was about to close my bags when I heard mumbling from the bathroom.

Opening the door wider I saw Lando sitting up his face in his hands incoherently talking into his palms. "Hows the hangover?" I asked softly.

"Oh god! Dont scare me like that." He said as he flinched back at my voice.

"Calling me God already? Alex would have been fine as well." I joked.

"Yeah, yeah. My head is hurting like hell, and it feels like my brain wants to explode." He mumbled again.

"Drink some water and Ill give you some painkillers", I instructed filling his cup and giving it to him before looking through my bag to find the pill.

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