Chapter 41

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Thatll make it better in a few minutes. I said as I chucked them down to him.

What happened yesterday? he asked in a slightly alarmed tone.

Nothing bad. You surpassed your limit so I took you to the hotel, but you didnt remember your room number and I couldn't find your key, so you ended up here. I concluded yesterdays events for him.

On the floor? he asked confusedly.

Yeah. You said you wanted to sleep here so I took the blanket and pillows and slept here with you."

Oh my god. Why did this happen to me? What did I say to you?

You said a lot last night. What exactly do you mean?

Did I really make you leave the party early? Wait when did you even arrive?

You were quite drunk when I got there. We just drank to your Victory and after that, I lost you and Daniel for a while. I went to leave and couldnt find you to say goodbye, so I asked Daniel, and he said you were at the bar, so I went to look there, and I took you outside and called a cab. You couldnt remember your room number or where you put your key, so you ended up here. I laughed leaning against the doorframe.

Oh, dear Lord. Thank you but I really would have managed alone. I was drunk but Will or someone else would have taken me to my room sooner or later.

You were lying on the counter cuddling your drink because the bartender cut you off. Im not sure you can imagine how drunk you actually were. Now Im sure it you would have been fine as you put it but seeing that you couldnt stand properly. Anyways, I should get going now. Gotta go home and stuff you know? I smiled as Lando grabbed his jacket and put his shoes on.

Yeah. I should go too. He mumbled tying his shoe before leaving with an awkward bye.

I packed my remaining stuff into the bags before putting them on the motorbike and leaving Italy behind. If Im honest I dont know how I came back to Austria. Do you know that feeling when you suddenly remember youre driving and dont know how long youve been zoned out for? Well, I came to when I passed my neighbours house.

After unpacking I dove into studying and didnt stop until I fell asleep at my desk sometime in the early morning. When I woke up, I went right back to studying and only took a break to order some food and eat. The night from Tuesday to Wednesday I pulled another all-nighter and spent the day of the exam running on coffee and a couple of Oreos.

As I had to be in Milton Keynes Thursday in the morning, I took a flight on Wednesday night to arrive and check into the hotel before going to work.

I think you can imagine how I looked when I arrived there? Imagine a zombie but even more disgusting. (I did get a few weird looks if thats what youre asking yourself).

I didnt see many people that day as I spent most of it in the Sim and when I left around 8 pm the parking lot was almost empty. I dont remember much of that week. Only that I was constantly working. some days even more than 12 hours a day. They were using me for as long as they could as the termination was only to be in affect after Russia. Checo would be up to date and fully cleared to race by then, so they didnt need me anymore.

It was that Friday when I got the E-mail with my exam results and apparently I was visibly nervous because when Max sat at my table at lunch he asked: What are you so nervous about? Did anything happen?

Nothing. Its fine. Just a stupid E-Mail. Ill open it when Im back at the hotel. I answered shrugging it off.

What kind?

Just from uni. You know. Boring stuff. I shrugged again.

OH the results from your final exams? he asked excitedly.

How do you know about that? I scolded hitting him on the shoulder.

Oh. Daniel told me. he said nonchalantly, Now why havent you opened it yet?

You cant tell anyone anything anymore. I sighed., I dont have the best feeling to be honest, I studied more than I ever have for that single exam, but I feel like with all the distractions- I dont know.

You mean with what happened in Monza? he asked softly.

I nodded.

You know I did a little digging and got a lawyer involved and hes working on the case right now seeing if theres anything that you can do. He explained.

Max! why did you do that. I never asked you to! I dont need a man to fight my battles. Im not a princess that needs saving from that fucking high tower with the dragon. I should have never told you. I raged before getting up and leaving the cafeteria leaving my almost untouched plate of pasta behind.

The rest of the day was spent reviewing the data from my Sim sessions and by the end of it my head was fuzzy, and I was physically and mentally exhausted.

Thanking God that I booked the plane home for tomorrow afternoon because if I had gone another day running on caffein with no sleep I wouldnt have survived.

I was almost done packing already in my pyjamas when Max called me. I dont know why I picked up, but I answered the phone with an angry: What do you want now?

I need to talk to you. Im in front of your hotel please come down. He pleaded.

Why would I?

Please just do?

I hung up slipping a jacket on and went to see him.

Well, you look like shit. He remarked when he saw me come through the door.

I thought you wanted to talk to me and not tell me how disgusting I look. I sneered.

Talk to me. Whats wrong? he asked softly.

What? Im fine, Max.

No, youre not. Youre saying that but you know youre not. You get here looking exhausted, dont talk, push everyone away. You need to calm down and tell me whats going on!

Contrary to popular belief I dont need you, Max. I came here straight out of the exam room, did more work than Checo and you combined, I was at the factory for over twelve hours every day to get data. I havent slept more than an hour since God knows when and if you dare tell me now that you didnt mean it, Ill punch your face with a fucking brick because I cant do this anymore. I get to work every day all I hear is, Alex do this, do that you have to do that and that and that. From 6 am when I get there till late at night when I get back to the hotel with only a few hours to sleep. Now, thats not that bad. You know a few days without sleep running on caffeine and a couple of Oreos because I barely get time to eat. It gets bad that because they threw me out, I get treated as if I wasnt human anymore. I need a break I barely had time to breathe since Monza. I havent got a seat, no academy place or sim driving contract, no manager, no PT, nothing Max. And when I get back to my room, I have to pack my shit, try to get my own agreements so I can earn money next year, finally sleep for a couple of hours and then get ready to play happy home when I get back to Austria. So please dont tell me to calm down. This is as calm as I get right now. Goodnight, it was nice seeing you again. I said wiping my tears away before turning to get back inside.

Alex, Im so- he tried to apologise.

Dont Max. Just dont. I said turning over my shoulder before storming inside.

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