"Mate, what did you tell her?" Charles came up to Esteban Carlos in tow.
"I fucked up Charles."
"What did you do?" now Pierre and Yuki came as well.
"I said that Daniel invited Fernando and she said that he hates her, and Lewis does too, and I panicked and said that they dont and then she said that she doesnt belong anywhere near the grid and left."
"She had a bad encounter with Lewis in France. He raged about her in a conference afterwards." Valtteri chimed in from behind.
"Max told me that he insulted her. Badly." Lando and George joined the group as well.
"Shes a great kid. Ive never seen such great talent in F1 before and I have a feeling she would do anything for any of us even though she doesnt know us at all." Kimi said sitting down next to Esteban.
"Kimis right she would." Mick said looking over at the girl who was joined by her dog.
"What do we do now?" Carlos asked with a sigh.
"I dont know. We need to support her, but she wont let us. Ive known her for as long as I can remember, and she is the most stubborn person Ive ever met." Mick smiled slightly.
"Well find a way. Dont worry." Seb said looking over to the girl who was currently doing some tricks with Frankie.
"Ill go over there and apologize." Esteban said and stood from the bench leaving the men in silence.
"Hey Alex?" Esteban came up to me. "I promptly stopped what I was doing and looked up at the tall man. "
"Whats up? You ready to leave?" I asked putting on a bright smile.
"Im sorry. For what I said. I just wanted to make you feel better about Fernando being a complete asshole and I achieved the exact opposite."
"Its okay. It isnt your fault you know. Im fine with people hating my guts. I really am it just hurts that the people I looked up to as a kid despise me for no reason at all other than being a woman. I sighed silence settling over the both of us before I broke it again, Anyways. Lets go now and bring you back to the paddock. "I smiled again whistling loudly through my fingers which made all the drivers look over at me. I put my hands to my mouth and shouted: "Come on guys! Were leaving!"
All of them trotted over and we went back to the cars.
As we arrived, I said: "Okay. Guys I need to stop somewhere do you mind joining me or should I drop you of and go after? "
"I dont mind either way. Is it on the way?" Valtteri asked and the other three agreed to his statement.
"It is on the way, but I dont know how long it will take. I do have a bonus though. It has cats. A lot of them. "
"Okay. Were coming." Kimi smiled.
A few minutes later I drove up the driveway Frankie in the back freaking out recognizing the house.
"Frankie! Settle down. Ill let you out in a second." I said leaving the car with the other drivers in tow.
I opened the boot and Frankie jumped out wagging his tail jumping around on the field in pure joy.
A few moments later the first cat peaked around the corner of the house greeting us and the next moment the front door opened two boys running out.
I held my arms out and caught them trapping them in a big hug. It was only when the six-year-old jumped into the hug that I fell over. All of us where laughing and I would be lying if I said I wasnt crying.
"Ist Frankie auch da?" (Is Frankie here too?) the blonde boy asked.
"Was denkst du denn?" (What do you think?) I smiled and he was running to greet the dog his brother following right away.
Only the girl didnt let go.
"Wo ist Chris?" (Wheres Chris?) I asked her.
"Im Haus. Ich glaube der spielt eines seiner spiele." (In the house. I think hes playing one of his games.)
"Hey Emi? Ich habe besuch dabei." (Hey Emi? I brought some guests.) I smiled and she let go slightly to look at me and then turned around to see the four formula one drivers petting her favourite cats.
"ist das wer ich denke das es ist?" (It that who I think it is?)
"Kommt darauf an wer du denkst das es ist?" (Depends on who you think it is?) I smiled brighter.
"Sebastian Vettel? Der Sebastian Vettel von dem Mick immer erzählt?" (Sebastian Vettel? The Sebastian Vettel Mick always talks about?)
"Dann hast du recht. Der ist es." (Then youre right. Its him.) I nodded.
"Du musst mich vorstellen! Er muss mir alles über Autos beibringen was er weiß!" (You must introduce me! He must teach me everything he knows about cars!)
"Emi er ist nur ein Fahrer. Ich denke nicht das er jedes Detail über sein Auto weiß." (Emi, hes only a driver. I dont think he knows every detail about his car.) I laughed.
"OH MEIN GOTT! ALEX!!!" I heard someone shout. As I looked up to the windows, I only caught a glimpse of my twin running away.
I put my sister down who was looking over to the drivers shyly.
A moment later Chris was running out of the house attacking me with a tight hug lifting me up and spinning us around.
"Ich habe dich vermisst." (I missed you.) I whispered only for him to hear.
"Ich dich auch." (I missed you too.) he whispered back putting me down.
"Ich muss euch ein paar Leute vorstellen und dann habe ich eine Überraschung für euch." (I have to introduce you to some people and then I have a surprise for you.)
I whistled for Frankie, and he came running followed by my brothers. Guys. I really hate to interrupt your cuddling session, but I want to introduce you to some people. I caught the attention of the men.
"Okay so this is the reason for our little detour. These are my siblings. Emilia, Finn, Noah, and my little brother Christian. Leute das sind Kimi, Valtteri, Sebastian und Esteban". I pointed to the people as I was naming them.
"Why do you always have to mention that Im your younger brother? Its so annoying!" Chris complained.
"Because you are." I ruffled his hair.
"I hate you."
"You love me".
"I dont!"
"You do. Now to the surprise. I got all of you paddock passes to join me this weekend." I dont know if I ever had seen a bigger smile on any of my siblings faces as the jumped around geeking out about the fact that they could join me.
"Okay I have to leave now but Ill be here tomorrow bright and early to take you to the track and show you around a bit." I smiled apologetically.
"No! Please stay." Emilia pleaded a tear running down he cheek.
I promptly bent down taking her face into my hands:" Ich komm doch morgen wieder Süße. Du wirst fast nicht merken das ich weg war. Versprochen." (Ill be back tomorrow sweety. I promise.)
"Ich will nicht das du wieder gehst." (I dont want you to leave again.) she said throwing her arms around my neck.
"Weißt du was? Wenn das Wochenende vorbei ist, dann machen wir uns einen schönen Tag. Nur wir beide. Okay?" (You know what? When the weekend is over, well do a girls day. Just us two. Okay?) I said kissing her head.
"Mit Eis?" (With ice cream?)
"Wir könnten sogar Limonade machen, wenn du willst?" (We can even make lemonade if you want to?)
"Cookies?" I just nodded. I knew I had her.

Against all odds
FanfictionShe was one of a kind. An exceptional racer. But she would have to prove herself against all odds. As a mechanic came up to me to strap me in, I tried to seem as confident as possible but as the men on track suddenly started to grab their stuff and...