"Hey girl! Im sorry for stealing her from you but I really need to go to the bathroom." I smiled innocently.
"Hey! Yes of course Ill go with you. Come on I know where it is". She answered and let me pull her away from the guy.
"Thank you so much for that! I dont know what I would have done without you!" she thanked me profusely.
"No problem! He harassed me when I came in here, so I knew what a creep that was." I smiled squeezing her hand reassuringly, "here these are my friends Pierre and Lando. Theyre cool."
"What was that?" Pierre asked when we walked up to them again.
"The guys a creep." I explained shortly and chugged the last of my mocktail.
"Thanks again. Im Anna by the way."
"Alexandra, but you can call me Alex. "
"Can I buy you a drink as a thank you?"
"Dont please you would have done the same."
After a nice conversation our ways parted again. Pierre and Lando had gone to the dance floor to meet the others and I was waiting for another drink when the blonde guy came up to me.
"Hey Baby? Did you miss me?" he slurred clearly even more drunk than a few minutes earlier.
"Nope not really." I said searching for some help to get away from him. Fortunately, I say Max and Daniel not too far away from me. Searching for eye contact with either of them or Heidi (Dannys girlfriend).
Luckily Heidi looked over just to find me giving her the look she pulled up one eyebrow asking me if I was fine and when I looked back with a NO look she took both drivers and walked up to me.
"Hey girl! Whats up?" Heidi asked pulling me slightly behind her and away from the blonde man.
"Shes talking to me right now so if you would fuck off and leave us alone!" the guy said clearly getting angry.
"I dont think theyll do that. Now you leave every woman in this club alone or else well call security!" I insisted.
"You little whore! Youre too ugly to fuck anyways bitch!" he raged and lunged to strike Heidi.
It was like I was struck by lightning, before I even managed to realize what was happening, I had shoved Heidi towards Daniel punched the guy in the gut and he doubled over in pain.
Unfortunately, I had spilled half of my drink on the floor and over my hand when I did that, but I didnt really care because I chugged the sugary liquid as I was walking away followed by my friends.
We found Lando, Pierre, Charles and a few others in the VIP section.
"You really missed some action down there!" Max shouted as we walked up to them.
"Alex just fucking punched a guy!" Daniel explained.
"What the hell why did you do that?!" Lando yelled.
"He harassed me right when I walked in made another girl uncomfortable on the dance floor and then came up to me again wanting to take me back to his place and when Heidi came to rescue me, he wanted to punch her so I punched him first." I explained shrugging.
"Oh my god and we havent even been here for two hours!" Charles exclaimed.
Suddenly I got really dizzy and I had to hold onto one of the tables for support. "Hey guys lets get some more drinks!" I heard one of them shout over the music, but it all felt like it was miles away.
My head felt it was wrapped in cotton balls and I only saw the guys leaving really blurrily.
"Hey guys?" I tried to scream but it only came out as a whisper. "I dont feel good."
Suddenly the blonde guy was there again grabbing my waist with one hand and groping my boob with the other. Slowly my energy got sucked out of me like you pulled the plug of a bathtub. I tried to get him off me anyways but to no avail I only heard him laughing at my attempts. The only thing I was successful at was scratching his arm which made him scream in pain and try to drag me away.
My field of vision got smaller and smaller and the last thing I heard was someone screaming my name when my legs gave out.
The next time I woke up I was in an unfamiliar bed. 'No. not again! Please!' I thought to myself as I tried to ignore the pounding headache. I carefully started looking around the room if anyone was still there. I didnt gather the courage to lift the bedsheet on top of me until I made sure no one was in the room with me.
'Okay the dress is still on. Its on Alex just stay calm. Find your phone and call for help.' I tried to reason with myself.
You got through this before and you will go through it again. Just stay calm and freak out later. I crawled out of bed noticing my purse was chucked into the corner of the room my shoes were nowhere to be seen.
'Ditch the shoes get to safety, dumbass!' I scolded myself.
There were two doors I could choose from looking through the first one I found a bathroom. I had gotten my taser out of my purse holding it securely in my right hand I prepared a text to Mick, Daniel and Max with my location and an SOS as well as Lisa who had my live location and the location of the GPS tag on my necklace just in case.
Then I went out of the other door finding a long corridor on my right side was a window and to my left three more doors leading to a bigger room at the end.
Before looking for an exit I sent the texts and picked up my shoes which I noticed on the side of the door.
Holding the taser in front of me tiptoed down the hallway towards the bigger room where I suspected the exit to be. Just get out of here ASAP and get back to the hotel. Keep it together till the hotel Alex. 'You dont even know what happened. You got raped before. Now is not special. Its okay.' I told myself repeatedly.
I looked into the first door on the left. 'Someones sleeping in here close the door quietly!'
The second door was locked but I heard water running so I suspected it was a bathroom and the third and last one was an office type thing or a gaming room. This one was empty though.
I came to a halt on the corner to the living room. (I didnt know this was the living room, but I havent seen one in this flat. Well, I havent seen a kitchen either so it could be both).
Peeking around the corner I saw no one there but another door. The exit! I made a run for it not even halting when my phone started ringing.
After closing the door behind me and ignoring my name being shouted by someone, I didnt recognize I took it out while running down the first flight of stairs.

Against all odds
FanficShe was one of a kind. An exceptional racer. But she would have to prove herself against all odds. As a mechanic came up to me to strap me in, I tried to seem as confident as possible but as the men on track suddenly started to grab their stuff and...