"Well, I haven't slept properly since I was at home in Austria so I'm kinda desperate. Wait do we count the nap I had before coming to the garage for practice?" I asked taking a sip of the brown gold in my hands.
"Wow okay, that was an answer I didn't expect. I just came here to wish you good luck but now you say it you do kinda look like a zombie. why didn't you sleep last night?" he asked concerned.
"Well, I kinda stayed late with the mechanics and when they left, I stayed a little longer to study the buttons on the steering wheel, and then the sun came up and I thought if I go to sleep now, I'll have a messed-up sleep schedule. Also, I didn't know where to sleep because Ian only showed me to the Motorhome 2 hours before FP3, so I didn't have anywhere to sleep and I'm rambling again am sorry I do that when I'm nervous."
"that's okay. you know what? after the
Quali and the media pen I'll drive you to the hotel and you sleep till the next morning. And don't be nervous. Even if you mess up no one will be mad at you because you only got here yesterday, and you didn't have any time to prepare for the race."
"Thanks, Maximus..." I sighed and he smiled softly at me.
"Now good luck and show them what you can do. You're going to kill it out there."
"Good luck to you too. see you out there."
"I'll make sure to wave at you when I overtake."
"Oh, you wish!" I laughed at him. before he could continue our banter Simon called me over to get into the car.
Walking over whilst chugging the hot coffee I put the cup on a table intending to clean it up when I'm back in the garage. I zipped up my suit as I took my balaclava and threw it on before slipping on my matte black helmet.
climbing into the car I finished getting ready, sliding on my gloves, and getting the steering wheel fit on. Scanning the buttons once more and went through every single one of them reminding myself what the purpose was.
Sooner than I may have liked I got sent out. exiting the pitlane and driving the circuit taking in all the tips I got from the team in the briefing before stepping on the throttle and speeding towards the line starting my first lap in Q1.
Going into Q2 I pitted for the soft tires.
"How's it looking in there? should I go again?" I asked through the radio.
"Alex that was a good lap. Unfortunately, we didn't get into Q3. Box this lap please."
"Copy. I'm sorry guys."
Receiving high fives, hugs, and pats on my helmet I thanked them again before walking towards Ian who also congratulated me and told me that Max managed to get P2 just behind Hamilton. As we did the debriefing my eyes were much harder to keep open and it felt like someone strapped some weights on my eyelids. Sighing as we were sent off, I went up to max to congratulate him.
"Hey, Maximus! Congrats on P2! You did great!"
"Thanks! where did you end up?" he asked curiously.
"I got P11. Hopefully, I can get you guys some points tomorrow." I shrugged.
"That's amazing man! We should celebrate!" I smiled.
"Oh, I will celebrate once I've gotten into bed. " I explained.
"I'm heading back so you could join me if you want?"
"That would be great. Thanks, Maximus!" I laughed as he rolled his eyes at the nickname.
Half an hour later I got out of his car and went in alongside him. Parting ways in the elevator seeing as he had a room a few floors above me. opening the door with my key card I turned on the lights and saw my suitcase standing on the side of the room. Someone must have moved it while I was gone.
throwing my duffel bag on the bed I got my toiletries out and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. after showering and doing my skincare routine I went straight to bed. Unfortunately, the resting period was not as long as I would have wanted it to be, but I woke up to my blaring alarm.
Braiding my hair again, finding myself something comfortable to wear, and packing team wears into my racing bag. Changing into some shorts and a lacy bralette with a white shirt on top. sliding on my trainers I checked my bag one last time before heading out answering Ian's text saying that he would drive me again seeing that I still don't have a car for myself.
Arriving on the circuit I went through the gates and into the motorhome for the first engineering meeting. grabbing my second cup of coffee as I waited for the second meeting that would take place that morning.
My eyes fell on Max that stood alone typing on his phone. walking up to his side I greeted: "Goedemorgen!" (Good morning)
"Fuck! You scared me!" he winced.
"Well, I'm naturally terrifying." I smiled.
"You are a dwerg (dwarf)! you're not terrifying!" he laughed.
"Oh, you don't know me yet," I said joining his laughter.
"I think they're starting now. we should get back to our seats."
"Good idea. See ya Maximus!" we both went back and listened to what the team had to say.
"Last but not least. Alexandra, would you go to the Hannah before you leave? Thanks!" I nodded my head in agreement.
Walking up to the strategist I introduced myself again and followed her to her office.
"Thanks for coming to see me. I am so happy to finally see a woman filling a seat even if it only is for a short amount of time. But let's get to business. I think you have great potential but seeing you are a few places behind Verstappen we think it would be best if you just focus on getting and staying in the points. You would be great to use in the constructor championship and considering you drive the car once before we should play it safe. In the rare chance that there is a crash in front of you or something and you have the chance of a place, you go for it. that would be strategy two. Got it?"
"Got it thanks, Hannah!" I said and left her office for my driver's room to get changed. seeing that the race would start sooner than I expected.
Walking out of the Motorhome with my bulky headphones on and some music blaring through my head I made my way through the paddock. getting stopped by a blonde man in a Haas suit.

Against all odds
FanfictionShe was one of a kind. An exceptional racer. But she would have to prove herself against all odds. As a mechanic came up to me to strap me in, I tried to seem as confident as possible but as the men on track suddenly started to grab their stuff and...