Chapter 19

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"Throw your stuff in the boot Ill look for a store where we can buy snacks and drinks."

We picked up some food and almost three hours later we arrived at our first destination. Monaco. "Help me out here wheres your flat?" I asked and he directed me to a tall building.

We jumped out of the car and after getting a gist of the beauty of Monaco we had dinner and were back on the road.

"The next stop is going to be Genova. Its going to take around five hours. Heres my phone can you book the hotel please? The link should still be open." I asked him and handed him my phone.

"Sure. Wanna listen to some music?" he asked.

"There should be an AUX cord in my bag. And when youre already looking in there grab my glasses as well, please. These contacts are killing me."

"Will do." He nodded and the next ten minutes he rummaged through my bag.

"What the fuck? Lady! What are you carrying around! Its like Narnia in there!"

"Thats just the necessities. The Cord should be somewhere on the bottom probably on the right side, the glasses in one of the pouches on the side."

"Damn, why didnt you tell me ten minutes ago?" Daniel laughed.

We listened to a random playlist and drove along the coast until the man looked at me from the side and asked: "Fancy a swim?"

"Hell yeah!" I smiled and pulled of the highway at the next exit to find an abandoned beach.

"Its beautiful!" I sighed after pulling my swimsuit out of one of my bags.

"Yeah, it is." The Australian agreed and as soon as we were ready, I started to run towards the shore: "the last in the water is a rotten egg!" I shouted

"Thats not fair!" I heard him shout behind me but soon enough when I looked to the side, I saw him a few meters behind me.

"Ha I won!" I exclaimed as I arrived at the sea and ran the first few meters into the water.

"That was not fair! You had a head start!" he argued.

"You know what that reminds me of?" I asked a mischievous look in my eyes.

"What?" I asked careful.

"You need to get a tattoo!" I cheered

"Dont remind me! I thought I won when I saw you spun out." He complained.

"Oh, you poor boy!" I snickered.

We didnt stay in the water for too long since it was getting dark soon and we still had a two-hour drive ahead of us.

So, we got back into the car after drying off and changing back to normal clothes and got back onto the highway. We spent our time bickering, making bad jokes, and listening to music. From time to time, I had a slight angry outburst at the other people on the road who probably ordered their licences on wish (which I told them multiple times). Apparently, it was very funny to Daniel and every time he had a laughing fit, I resisted the urge to hit him.

Fortunately, as the time passed the idiots left the road and we could have a civil conversation again without being interrupted by some dumbass not knowing how to drive.

After about an hour of nonstop talking a comfortable silence settled in between us. Until I looked over at him and mumbled: "Hey Daniel?"

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"Im glad you came along. It wouldve been really boring alone." Confessed to the newly found brother figure.

"Im glad Max asked me to go with you. I really needed some time to be me and not be judged if I dont smile for a few minutes. You really helped me out with this." He sighed deeply.

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