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"Mama?" the girl asked into the phone that was pressed against her ear.

"Mama, ich habe gewonnen!" (Mama I won!) she cheered.

"Den Formel 1 Grand Prix in Azerbaijan." (The formula 1 Grand Prix in Azerbaijan) She explained disappointedly.

"Ich dachte du freust dich für mich Ich habe gerade meinen Traum erfüllt!" (I thought you were happy for me; my dream just came true!) she tried to reason.

"Nein. Ist schon okay. Wie gehts dir?" (No. Its okay. How are you?) she asked sighing.

"Das freut mich. Ich weiß noch nicht, wie lange ich gebraucht werde." (Thats nice. I don't know how long they need me yet.)

"Nein ich bin morgen noch nicht zuhause." (No, I'm not going to be home tomorrow)

"Aber ich bin in Azerbaijaan Mama! Ich kann nicht einfach zurückfliegen!" (But I'm in Azerbaijan Mama! I can't just fly back!) the girl argued.

"Ich melde mich, wenn ich zurück bin, aber ich kann dir noch nicht sagen, wann ich da sein werde. Wie gehts den anderen?" (I'll tell you when I'm back, but I can't say when I'll be there. How are the others?) she tried to shift the conversation elsewhere.

"Gut. Ich muss jetzt los. Holst du Finn bitte von Fußballtraining ab? Ich kann ihn vorerst nicht hohlen. Andrea nimmt ihn mit hin." (Great. I have to go now. Can you pick up Finn from his football practice? I can't pick him up. Andrea gives him a ride there.)

"Es endet um 18:30 Uhr." (It ends at 18:30 o clock.)

"Okay, danke. Bis bald Mama." (Okay, thanks. See you soon Mama.) she said goodbye.

"Ich hab dich lieb!" (I love you!) but as the girl said that her mother had already hung up the phone.

Sighing the 19-year-old looked at the black screen of her phone before putting it back in her pocket and walking back to the group of people celebrating their great work.

As she opened the door the black-haired woman was greeted with cheers that only got louder when she held up the beers she had brought.

The picture on the top is Lorena Duran, my character's face claim.

The Picture does not belong to me! I got it off Pinterest!

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