Chapter 2 : Crazy News

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He just looked at me in udder shock, there was ash going everywhere from the fire, I seen some of it in his hair. There probably was some in mine too.

"Kelly?" I asked, unsure of his response. I seen that he blinked. That's a good sign right?

"I-im going to be a dad?!" He asked, like it was the most crazist thing in the world. He was smiling so big. When I nodded, he pickes me up and hugged me. Just as he let me go, Joe got the window open.

"There you go" He said with a sigh of relief. He puts out his hand and pulls me out, then Kelly.

When we get out I whisper in Kelly's ear "let's keep it a secret for now, both secrets" I laugh he does to.

"Okay" He whispers back, and kisses my cheek, as we walk over to chief.

"Good to see that you guys are okay"

"Yes, thanks chief" I say. I walk back to the truck and get some water.

"Guys let's pack it up!" Chief Boden yelled to us. As soon as everyone heard, they started putting stuff back in to the trucks.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

It was next shift now and me and kelly are really excited about telling the house. I was putting my stuff away in my locker when Brett came up behind me.

"Hey, Stella" she said

"Hey" I say as I turn around, I see she still hadn't changed in to her work clothes yet, and still had her bag on her shoulder.

"So I have a question, do think I should tell Matt how I feel about him? I mean last night at Molly's he literally told me he loves me, but I don't know what to do, what if Gabby comes back?" She asks, I can tell this is eating at her a lot.

"Yes! Of course i think you should, and you dont need to worry about gabby shes not coming back. And from the way he looks at you your the only girl he sees right now" I tell her, very honestly. She gives me that nervous smile she does.

"Okay, I just don't know, really like this is a really big step you know." she told me nervously

"Don't worry, he loves you. He literally told you. You have nothing to be afraid of. And if need any help before you tell him come to me." I smile and hug her.

"Yes, your right" she smiled, and was about to leave, but then she asked "Also, I seen that you a Kelly were all lovey dovey on that call last shift, what was that about?"

"Oh, uh" I paused for a minute to think of an answer. "He just wanted to know if I was ok" I tell her.

"Oh okay" she smiles and walks off.

I walk to kellys office, he's at his desk doing some paperwork, as I knock on the door. He looks up, and nods for me to come in.

"Hey baby" he smiled, and I walked over to him and sat on his lap.

"Hi, did you ever come up with a plan?" I ask, as I play with the hair on the nape of his neck.

"Yes, i did" he smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek and sets me on his bed, and leaves.

"Oh what are you up to, Kelly Severide," I laugh, as lay on the bed. Then it just hit me. I'm Marrying Kelly! I think to myself.

Few minutes later, Kelly came back. He lays next to me.

"okay, my plan is working" he told me.

"What is this plan of yours?" I ask, smiling. Just then Boden said to meet him in the meeting Room in 5 minutes.

I look at Kelly, and he gave me a mischievous smile.

"Does this have to do with your plan?"

"I don't know...Maybe" he said with a laugh.

We all get to the Meeting Room. I sit down in a chair by kelly. But he got up as Boden walked in.

"Settle down, settle down" he said "Severide, is there something that you wanted to say at the top here?" Chief asks, Kelly was at the edge of the table where i was sitting.

"Yes, Thanks Chief" he said and got up, and walked to the front of the room. "Okay, i have spring cleaning assignments" Everyone groans. He laughs "yeah, i know, i know. Calm down. Okay apparatus floor, capp, tony." he looks at the paper "uh, Gallo, Ritter, you guys clean the kitchen, and i want it spotless, okay?, and let me see... cleaning out the storage closet is..." he looks at at me and says "My Fiancee"

Everyone looks at me.

"WHAT!" Joe said, I smiled so big, Chief hit Kelly on the back with his folder, but then hugs him.

"Yeah!!, we're engaged!!" I tell them. "But one more thing, I'm pregnant too," she smiles. Brett comes over to me and hugs me.

Then the Bells go Off.

This chapter has been edited :)

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