The Wedding Finally

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Stellas pov.
As I walk into the fire house, we are greeted by everyone.

“Hey! Welcome back Kidd. we've all messed you up ''  Herrmann said as he got up to hug me.
“Aww thanks guys, I miss you too” I replied.

I go and put my bag in my locker and go and get changed into a uniform. I lo
oked in the mirror, and noticed the small bump that I had previously was now a little bit bigger to where you could tell it was a bump. I rubbed my belly, and looked down at them.
“I can't wait to meet you girls” I smiled, then I walked out to go on the mission I had.

I knocked on the chief's door, he looked up and smiled at me.
“Come in,” he gester for me to sit. I walked in and sat down across from him.
“hey, Violets back”
“She is?” chief asks
“Yeah, just for a little bit though, but she will be back next shift fully” i say to him
“Im happy to hear that, im happy to have brett and violet back together”
“Me too” i smile
“Um, is there anything else?” chief asks
“Well kind of.” i say
“Talk to me, lieutenant. What's up?”
“Well you know that I don't have much in the way of birth family, aunt laverne is getting old, she doesn't travel, and the rest of my real family is right here in the firehouse. Truth is… you're the closest thing I've had to a father in my life and I was wondering… Would you give me away?” I asked him.
“That…would be my greatest honor.” he smiled
“Okay, I mean, no pressure, Before you make any promises. Just know that the wedding is in two days” i say, ramble
“Stella, the wedding could be yesterday and on the moon and I would still find a way to walk you down that aisle. Okay?” he said i nodded “come here” he said giving me a hug. He is the one I look up to.

On there wedding day

                        ~Kelly pov~

Stella, Brett and the other bridesmaids are all getting ready in Kelly and Stella's apartment.  Stella was in a chair getting her hair done, whilst brett was getting her makeup done beside her.
Kelly and Casey are in the guest room, just talking and drinking.
“Kind of cant believe it” kelly said
“You actually tying the knot” casey said back “you've each other a long time”
“Too long,” kelly replies
“Painfully long,” Casey said, taking a drink of his beer. “Listen, I don't want to get too sappy, but it's your wedding, so I'm going there. It's been something watching you change since Stella came into your life. As cliché as it sounds, she's made you a better man.”
Kelly sits down on the bed listening to him
“You might get some disagreement there” kelly laughs
“I'm really grateful to be a part of this, Kelly. You guys are... meant to be,” Casey said.
“i'm even more grateful to have you. Hasn't been the same around here since you left. Never will be.” Kelly said to casey. 

                    ~Stella pov~
I'm standing under a tent where they can't see me with chief boden, as my bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle. Kelly is waiting for me with a ship caption that we got to officiate.
“I'm not gonna ask you if you're ready because I know you are. Come on. I could not be more proud.” boden said as he took my arm to walk me down the aisle. “Let's do this”

As we walk down everyone stands up and the song “all of me” plays in the background.
“See? That is why the groom can't see the bride first” i smile at Kelly's smiling face looking at me.
“I get it now”
“Congratulations, Kelly. You're one lucky man.” Boden said
“That much i know” kelly replies, they both laugh

“Good afternoon, everybody. Usually about this time, I'm pointing out the width of Mather Tower. Instead, the fates aligned, and here we are on this beach surrounded by the magnificent city of Chicago to celebrate the union of Kelly and Stella. And I understand this one's been a long time coming, so let's get right to it. What do you say?” everyone claps and laughs “Now, I know you wrote your own vows, so take it away, guys.”

“Okay, I can do this. Not gonna cry. Kelly, the simple truth is that you are magic to me. Whenever I'm at my lowest, you lift me up. You never leave my side. You are the goodest of men. And yes, we are taking a huge, crazy leap into the unknown, but we're doing it together, and when I need to hear it, you'll tell me, "You've got this, Stella Kidd." And I'll know that everything'll be okay because it always is when I'm with you. I love you with everything I've got, Kelly Severide, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” I say, almost crying.

“Stella, I decided a long time ago that if I was gonna be with you, I needed to be worthy of you, which seemed impossible. How do I become worthy of someone brave enough to show who they are inside and out? What makes me this better person that I keep hearing about is, you keep me from locking things up. Instead, you made sure you really knew me. Then, by some miracle, you still love me. Stella, I might never be worthy of you, but I promise to spend the rest of my life trying. And I love you. I love you so much.” Kelly said. At this point I'm in tears, smiling though.

“Can we have the rings, please? And now, all that's left to say is, by authority given me by the state of Illinois and the city of Chicago, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
Everyone claps as we kiss each other.

We finally did it, we got married. We are now Kelly and Stella Severide.

Hey!! I'm back!! I hoped to you liked there wedding, and thanks so much for over 3k views that's crazy to me I didn't expect it to get that much but none the less I love all of you guys. Please comment and vote it helps me know when you like the chapter <3 anyways bye!!

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