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A/n~ okay so this is a repost bc i was trying to change something but it kept kicking me out and stuff but I changed Laura's name to Talia because I like that one better lol anyways on with the chapter

~2 week time jump~

I was in my hospital bed, feeding Shay. Because of my injuries I had to stay in the hospital a little longer than someone who wasn't pregnant. And so far the babies are being really good. Kelly got maternity leave from work so he was here with me.

“You ready to get out of this place?” Kelly said, picking up a hospital bag he went home to get the first night.

“Yes, I want my own bed right now,” I smiled tiredly. I was now burping her, then I would have to repeat that with her sister Talia when she woke up. He laughs and picks out some leggings and one of his shirts, along with my underwear.

“Here, you go and change so I can take shay.” he told me, and i gave him the baby who wanted to go to sleep now.

I slowly got up, and walked to the bathroom that was in my room. They just took the IV out of my hand, so I could change easily. There was a toilet, sink, and a mirror in the tiny bathroom. The walls were tiled, the top half was white and the bottom was a light yellow.

I walked in front of the mirror, I took off the paper gown I had to wear. I put my bra and underwear on, I was really ready to get out of the paper diapers they had me in too, I looked in the mirror, I had a scar where they had to get my beautiful babies. I still had some of the baby fat but it's not that much any more. I saw some of the light bruises that I had from the car crash.

I grabbed my black leggings and put them on being careful of the scar, and I slipped Kelly's shirt on, it still smiled like him. I smiled into the mirror. I put my long hair up into a braid, and I also put on some fluffy socks, they had some gripy things on the bottom so i wouldn't fall.

“Ah, just the girl i wanted to see” i heard as i walk out of the bathroom, Dr. Manning is standing next to Kelly and Talia. “How are you feeling?” she asks, as I walk back to the bed.

“Ready to be out of here” I laugh. She smiles, and walks over to me and starts checking my vitals. She took my blood pressure, and checked my eyes because of my concussion.

“Okay, I need you to take your shirt off for me.” I do as I was told, and she checks the scar, and the other bruises. “Okay, it looks like you can go home today, but you are still going to be really sore for the first few days, so i'm going to give you some pain meds. You can go back to work when your maternity leave is up.” she smiled, and handed me my discharge papers.

“Thank you Natalie” I smiled, and me and Kelly signed the papers.

“No problem, i'll get these in the computer and send a nurse around to tell you you can leave” she smiled and walked out of our room.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Kelly was walking into the house with two car seats, carrying our 2 week old babies. I unlocked the door, and when I opened it, there was a bander and all of house 51 is in my apartment.

“SURPRISE!” they yell, but not loud enough to wake the sleeping babies. I smile and walk over to the counter to put all of my stuff down, while Kelly sets the babies down on the couch still in the car seats.

“Guys you did have to do this” I say, and smile at them. I went over to Brett and hugged her. “Thank you” I whisper. And all she does is hug me back.

“How are my favorite nieces?”  Joe asked, and walked over to where Kelly was, he and Joe got Shay and Talia out of their car seats and so they could hold them. I find it so cute when they do the newborn scrunch.

“These babies are so precious” Joe said, as he was holding Shay, she was still asleep in his arms from the drive home.

“Yeah they are,” I smiled and walked over to Kelly where he was standing, “okay! Who wants some wine? I haven't had any in 8 months and I want some” i smiled and kissed Kelly’s cheek, and went into the kitchen.

We all made some food, and had some wine. And just talked about life. Joe was informing Kelly on how to be a dad, because he was one before us with Otis and Javi. I checked on Brett, and how she was feeling. From what she told me, I'm the only one she told that she lost the baby. But she also told me that it was still early in the pregnancy so there isn't really anything she could do.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

After everyone left, Kelly had already finished their room while I was at the hospital so we could put them in their rooms. When they were finally asleep me and kelly sat out in the living room, kelly said he wanted to watch one of the films he had of him and shay. I said okay and grabbed him a beer and myself some wine.

“I remember doing this one, Shay wanted to know what would happen if one of us got married or had a kid. So we did the rules on the tape like we always did.” he smiled at the memory. The video started to play, they were in a different apartment, and Shay had a tequila bottle in her hands. I could hear Kelly’s laugh from behind the camera.

Okay, rule number 1, we will always visit each other, no matter what. Even if you have kids or not.” shay smile into the camera. Then she took a drink from the bottle, and took the camera, and I saw a younger version of my husband on the tv. And he laughed and took a drink of beer.

“I can agree to that, Rule number 2, if we need help we call each other or text sos and they have to drop everything” Young Kelly smiled. I heard Shay laugh in the background. Then he took the camera back and they continued to tell each other their rules they had for each other.

“I wish i could have met her” i say and rested my chin on his shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and looked at me.

“You would have loved her, she was really funny and always put everyone in a good mood. But what I have come to realize is that she passed, so I could have you. Even though I want to go back and change it, I wouldn't because then I wouldn't have you or the two beautiful babies in the other room. And Casey wouldn't have met Sylvie, so I wouldn't change anything even though I want to tell her that I love her. But she knew that'' he smiled, and looked at the tv. “Did you know before she passed she wanted to have a baby? But because she was lesbian, she had to do IVF, and right before that fire we told each other we were going to figure out if we wanted to continue trying or not. But she never got that chance.” he had a sad smile on his face.

“She is watching over your babies for you right now, and I know she is so proud of you. Even though I never met her, I feel like I have from the stories you and the house have told me. I bet she would love how far you have come in life and your career” i told him, and smiled.

We continued to watch the films, and Kelly told me more stories about her. We had to get up sometimes for the babies but they were too cute to be mad at.

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