2 Surprises

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                     ~Kelly's Pov~
We heard the door open, we figured that it was casey. So me and stella slowly open the door  and tiptoe in to the kitchen
“Matt, I'm pregnant” Brett says. Matt just looks at her for a minute then he hugs her.
“Oh my god really?” he whispers into her shoulder.
“Yes” she says in a happier tone once she knows Casey is happy about it.

They hug for a few, then they let go. Then me and Stella go and surprise them.

“Congratulations!” stella said as she walked in to the room
“Hey guys!” casey said in a shocked but happy voice
“I'm happy for you man” i say and hug him

We talk for 2 hours, Then me and Stella leave to go back to our loft.
We get into our house and I go and sit on the couch. Stella follows me.
I pull her onto my lap.
“Hey, so I was thinking about our wedding. Do you want it to be next month because it's june and i wanted to do a beach wedding” stella asked me
“I love that idea but I don't really care about that stuff. All I care about is that i get to marry the love of my life that day” i tell her. She smiles at me.
“How did I get so lucky to have got you?” she asks
I don't say anything. I just kiss her.
“I don't know but I am very happy you did”  I say and kiss her again.

                     ~Stella's pov~

The next morning. I wake up and start to make coffee.
“Good morning” a sleepy Kelly says as he wraps his arms around my waist.
“Good morning baby” I say with a smile. I kiss him on the lips.
“Hey so i was thinking about scheduling a doctor appointment to see the baby for the first time” i say to him and go sit on the couch.
“That's a great idea, I can't wait to see the little baby” he said as he poured his coffee and sat down next to me.
“Awesome i'll  text nat to see if we can get in to day” i tell him and pull my phone out
“Okay” he says smiling and kisses my forehead.

So it turns out Natalie could get us in so we are heading over to the hospital right now.
“I'm so excited!” I say all happy and stuff. Kelly laughs
“I am too” he tells me and squeezes my hand.

We walk into the lobby and check in. Not even a 2 minutes later, Natalie calls us into our room.
“Hey guys how are we today?” she asks typically doctor talk
“We’re good” kelly says
“That's good, okay stella i need you to lift  your shirt up for me”  i do as she says
“It's going to be a little cold” she says as she scans my belly. As she does she looks worried but then she smiled
“Is there something wrong?” i ask
“No there isn't, but Congratulations your having twins”
Me and kelly just looked at each other
“Oh my god” i finally say “were having twins” i say to kelly smiling so much
“We're going to have 2 babies” he says as he looks at the screen. 
“You guys are far enough along to know the genders, do you guys want to know?” she asks us
“Yes please” I say. Grab kellys hand.
“You guys are having… 2 girls!”
I look at kelly, i see that he's crying
“Im so happy” he tells me
“Me too” I hug him.

After that we go back to the loft. I look up cute baby stuff for there rooms. And kelly cooks dinner.

Me and Kelly get into bed.
"I love you so much Stella"
"I love you too kelly, but to be honest right now I'm nervous" I tell him
"That's ok we all are, but one thing I know is: You got this Stella Kidd" He tells me.

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