Asking Questions

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He had to stay in the hospital for one day just to make sure Kelly was all right. I talked to chief to update him on how Kelly was doing, and told violet and brett they could go back to the house, becausethey stopped by this morning. I am sitting next to Kelly. Then Will came in.
"Hey, you look all good right now. Let me just check you out real quick and then Natalie will give you the discharge papers and then you guys will be free to go okay" He tells us
"Ok great thank you will" I say
He checks him out and he leaves. “Hi, here are your discharge papers.” Natile says as she gives me the papers “you just have to sign the marked lines then you will be all good to go home” she says with a sweet smile
“Thank you nat” kelly said
“Thanks” I say then she leaves. I sign the papers, then i go give them to the nurse. And now we are free to go.

“Where do you want to go?” I ask Kelly we’re  in the car.
“Let's go to the firehouse. I have some stuff I want to ask Casey about” he says with a wink and a smile. This is the first time that I have truly seen him happy about something. I love to see him happy.
“Okay baby” i smile

As soon as we get out of the car everyone is out there waiting for us by the trucks.
“Hey guys” kelly says with a smile
“Hey Kelly, I'm glad you're ok” Casey saids with a hug.
“Me too, hey i have something to ask you later” he tells casey
“Okay” he says wondering what it is.

We all go back inside and gallo is cooking. Moach is on the couch with Tuesday, and other people are at the table. Then I look to see where Brett is. Then I find her, of course she was with casey. I laugh to myself and walk over to them.
“Hey Casey, can I steal  her from you for a couple of minutes?” i ask very sweetly with a smile
“Yea sure i have to meet kelly for something” he said and he kisses brett “have fun” he laughs and me and her laeve and i go into kellys office.

“Ok so i have something to ask you” i say to her. We sit on kellys bed.
“What is it?" she asks
“I want you to be my Maid of honor” i say, her eyes go wide and she stares to smile
“Oh my gosh! Realy??!” shey yells
“Yes!” i yell back
“Yes of course stella!” we hug and jump up and down.

                      ~Kelly's Pov~

I knocked on Casey's door to his office. He motions to come in. i go and sit on the bed
“Hey so i kinda want to ask you something” i say
“Okay, what is it”
“Do you want to be my best man?”
“Yea! Of course” he says, then we hear 2 girls yelling next to us. We look at each other.
“Stella asked Brett” we both say and laugh.
“Thanks man” i say and i hug him
“Your welcome it's not everyday that Kelly Severide is getting married” he laughs
"Yea, but I'm going to be a dad too" I laugh nervously
“I think you will be a good dad kelly” he tells me “i think im the the one who needs to be worried” he saids with a smile
“Wait what?” i ask slightly confused
“Brett thinks she might be pregnant” casey said
“Brett?! Since when did you and her?” I ask, smiling at my best friend.
“Last week, she told me that she loved me” he saids smiling and the memory of him and her.
“I'm happy for you guys but does anyone else know?”
“No she's not for sure yet but you or Stella will be the first ones to know” he saids we hugged. I leave to go see where Stella is. I find her and Brett in my office laughing. I just stand outside staring into the window admiring my future wife. “God, I love her so much” I say to myself.

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