Problems and Babies

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Hey just an FYI this is a longer part so yea. If you like them to be longer just let me know 😊 and if you like to see the other people points of view~ Marina
                      ~Stellas pov~

The rest of the shift was pretty slow. But it's finally over. I'm in the bathroom  taking a shower. When I get out I put my leggings on, then I look in the mirror and see a little bump starting to show. I smile looking down at my belly and rub it. “I'm so lucky to have you little baby” I whisper to my belly.

I go to my locker and get my bag and put my showering stuff away.
“ stella” chief said i looked towards him
“Yes chief?” i ask
“Do you know what you're going to do for work?” he asks me
“Yes sir me and kelly were thinking that i could just work desk so then i can still be here and see you guys” i say
“Perfect next shift you will be on desk. Have a good night” he said as he leaves
“Thanks chief” I smile. Then I feel hands hugging me from behind, then I smell his stent.
“Hey kelly” I smile and kiss him on the cheek.
“Hey, are you ready to go?” he asks and kisses my neck.
“Yup all ready”

We're in the car.
“Do you want to go get some food i could kill for a burger” i ask kelly
“Sure i could go for a burger too” he says smiling.

We went to McDonalds to get food. Then we got back to the apartment. I grab the food bags and Kelly gets the work bags. We make it into the house and I set the food on the couch and put my stuff away. Then Kelly sat on the couch, and I shortly followed him.  We ate and talked the entire night.

I blink my eyes at the bright sun seeping through the window, then I feel Kelly's muscular arms around me. I smile knowing that I'm going to be marrying him soon. He has made my life so much better he does even know. I love him for that.
“Good morning” he saids in his sleepy voice
“Good morning baby '' I say, kissing him on the lips, he smiles after I pull away.
I get out of bed and pick out my clothes for the day.
“Hey i'm going to take a shower” i said to kelly, which he was still in bed, but i noticed he perked up when he heard me say that.
“Not without me” he says smiling. He gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom, I shortly follow.

When  I went downstairs I smelled bacon.
“Your cooking breakfast?” i ask
“Yup” he saids and puts a pancake on a plate “here you go” he said and gave me a plate and a cup of coffee just how i like it.
“Thank you kelly” i set down the plate and kissed him. He smiles and goes back to cooking. I sit at the counter and start to eat. Then my phone starts to ring.  I get my phone out and sees that it's brett. I picked it up.
“Hello?” i ask
“Hey Stella, I know it's early but I need to talk to you right now,  Casey  is out doing something.” she said very nervous
“Hey it's ok yea i can come over, are you at his house or yours?” i ask
“His” she said she sounded like she was about to cry. I don't know why though.
“Okay, i will be there in 10 minutes”
“Okay” she said and hung up. I put my phone down. I finished my coffee.
“What was that about?” kelly asks
“It was brett, she wants me to go over to casey's house because she needs me for something
“Do you want me to drive you over there?” he asks
“Yes that would be great thank you” i say

“Bye baby” i kiss him “I'll text you when you can come pick me up”
“Okay i love you”
“I love you too” I say and get out of the car. I go to the front door and knock and almost instantly Brett opens it.
“Hey are you okay? You sounded like you were crying or about too”
“No I'm not really” she says and walks me into the living room.
I sit on the couch.
“What's wrong?” i ask
“Well, you know how me and Casey are together?” she saids and she walking back and forth
“Yes, did he do something to you?” i ask
“No,well yes, but he didn't hurt me if that's what your thing”
“Okay then what is?”
“I'm pregnant” she said then she bursts in to tears.
“Oh my”  I say and get up to hug her “it's going to be okay” I rub her back. I put her on the couch and walked out to the hallway to call kelly.
“Hey kelly, can you come over i'm going to need your help”
“Yes I can. See you in 5 minutes”
“Okay love you”
“Love you”

About 5 minutes later Kelly knocks on the door. I go and open it.
“Hey, what's going on?” he asks then he sees brett crying “oh”
He walks over to her and kneels down and said “hey look at me, your going to be alright and i know that your going to be an awesome mother i know that for sure”
“Really?” she ask
“yes! “ me and kelly both say
“Okay it's just a lot to take in ya know” she tells us
“yea  believe me i know when i found out i didn't tell anyone for 4 weeks” i say
“what!? you knew for that long?” kelly said
“Yea…i didn't know how you were going to react to the news so when you ask me in the fire to marry you,  i  had to tell you then”  i say shyly
“Well at you told me” he saids and kissed me.
“Wait! How am I going to tell matt?” she said
“Why don't you just tell him and give him the test” kelly suggested
“sure , why not”
“Do you want us to be there with you or like somewhere else so then when you tell him, we can come out and congratulate him?” i ask
“Oh i like the hiding thing” she laughs
“Okay let's go find somewhere to hide Stella” Kelly saids with a smile and grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bathroom.
“Hey, now no naughty stuff!” brett yells
“Aww come on” Kelly laughs and kisses me.

                      ~Brett's Pov~
I picked up my phone and called casey.
“Hey baby it's me, can you come home?”
“Yea i can, is there something wrong?” he asks
“No nothing wrong i just need to tell you something thats all” i tell him
“Yes of course, i’m checking out right now so about 10 minutes”
“Okay see you soon! I love you”
“I love you too”
I hang up the phone and go sit on the couch. I am so nervous right now. My leg is shaking. I try to stop but I can't.
A few minutes later the door opens.
“Hey in here” i yell
“Hey, what's up?” he asks
“So theres something i have to tell you but i don't want you to freak out or get mad or anything” i say
“Okay i promise i won't freak out” he puts hand on his heart
“Okay, here goes nothin”  i take a breath and pull out the test “Matt, i'm pregnant” i say and hand him the test.

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