The Waiting Game

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"Stella!!!" I yell as I get off my rig. From where I am all I see is crashed cars. "Stella!" I continued to yell, and I began to move into the mess of cars.

"Guys, let's get the jaws over here." Joe said, I think they knew that I wasn't in the right mindset to be giving orders right now.

"Copy" Capp said

"Come on, Stella, come on." I said as I continued to walk through. There was chatter everywhere. I walked past a red car and looked in as Brett and Violet were checking the victims. Then I found this guy who was walking back towards the rigs. "Hey, hey, buddy. You okay?" I ask and jog over to him.

"It's just a cut." he replies

"Let me see. Yeah. Yeah, you'll be fine. Just keep pressure on it. Go see the paramedics. Make sure you don't need stitches "I told him and gave him a towel to put on his cut. "Hey, you haven't seen a, uh, brunette in a blue Jeep?"

"What?" he asked very confused

"Never mind." I waved him off, and continued my search for my pregnant wife. "Stella! Stella!" I yell, I pass a truck on its side.

"Get some cribbing here to stabilize this truck! Don't let it tip over." Casey yelled.

"Copy that." carver said

"Hey, you alright in there? Okay, just take it easy..."Gallo said as he asked the people in the flipped truck.

"Stella! Stella? Stella!" I mistook someone for her. It was a girl with an old lady. And I ran through the cars. Then I saw it, her jeep. "Oh, no. Stella?" I say as I run over to her. "Stella! Stella! Come on! Stella. Baby. Come on, baby. Talk to me." i see that her face was hanging down, there was glass shards in her hair, and there was blood on the windshield. I looked down and her belly didn't look like anything happened. I also saw her phone. All cracked like the windshield was right now. I tried to get her door open but I failed.

"Gallo, we need the jaws." Casey said into his radio, as he walked over to Stella and her wrecked jeep.

"Tony, cutters and rams too. Hurry!" Cruz said into the radio as well

"Copy that." tony replied

"Kelly. Kelly. Stand back. Stand back." Casey pushed me out of the way so Brett and Violet could check her out.

"Her pulse is barely there" Brett said and she backed out of Joe's way.
"Okay, let's hurry then" Casey siad, and Joe started opening the car door with the jaws.

"Hang in there, baby. Hang in there." I said, with my hands on my knees looking at them doing their job. Joe prided open the door so Casey could open it with the jaws.

"All right, Casey. Chief, we're gonna need a Medevac." he said on the radio, then Casey went in and did his job.

"Battalion 25 to Main. Requesting one Medevac helicopter for one female red. We'll make a landing zone at the north end of the accident scene." Chief said

"Copy that, Battalion 25." main said, and sent them a helicopter. Brett got through the other door, and carefully lifted her head, as Casey got the door open. I tried to get a look at her. But gallo stopped me.

"Hey, hey, back up. Back up. Let 'em work. Let 'em work, Severide" he said and pushed me back. I just looked in fear, and put my hands over my head. Casey got the door open and Brett put a neck brace on her. Her eyes were shut, there was blood all over the side of her face.

"Let's get a back board." Joe yells. And mouch brings them one.

"You're all right. You're all right." gallo said, and put his hand on my shoulder.

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