Honeymoon part 1

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It has been 2 weeks since me and kelly got married, 2 weeks that I have been a Severide. It's still crazy to me. We're still on our honeymoon. We're at Kelly's cabin, it overlooks the lake and everything. The sunsets and sunrises are so beautiful.

"Good morning my beautiful wife" Kelly said as he kissed my neck, I smiled at him.
"Good morning" I smile and stretch.
"So what are your thinking about doing today?" He asks, getting up and finding a shirt to put on.
I sit up in bed still, blankets still around me. I think about it for a little bit.
"Do you want to go to the sand dunes? We could ride the dune buggy." I smiled, that's one of my favorite things to do. Sometimes when I was really stressed or something I would drive to silver lake and just ride the dunes. It brings me peace.
"I would love to, do you want to have lunch on the beach too?" Kelly asked, sitting down on the bed.
"Yes! Of course" I say
"Awesome, get ready, I'll start packing." He said and kissed me and left for the kitchen.

I picked out some black comfy shorts, and one of Kellys shirts. I put on my swimsuit under it. It's a two piece, the top is black and the bottoms are black with flowers on them. I go into the bathroom and braid my hair into 2 french braids. I put on light makeup because we were going to the beach.

"Hey baby," Kelly said as I walked into the kitchen. "There's my shirt! I was looking for it" he laughed, and came and hugged me.

"Well it's mine now '' I laughed and kissed him. "How's the packing going?" I ask.
"Good, I got some food. It's in the back of the buggy. All we need is our swim stuff and are goggles and scarves for the dunes" He replies and smiles at me.

"You're amazing, you know that?" I say to him, I run my fingers through his dark hair.
"I'm only amazing because you made me Amazing" he said, and kissed me, "and you're going to make them amazing too" he bent down to my belly that was growing every day, and he kissed them.
"We both made them perfect," I said.

We get all of our stuff in the back of the buggy, then I open the door and lay down a towel because the leather seats are very hot. I do that on the other side too. Kelly gets the chairs and a big umbrella so we have shade on the beach. I go back into the cabin to get us our water bottles, and my camera. I put them in my mini backpack along with some snacks for when we are riding the dunes.

I walk outside, I put on my sunglasses. I walk over to kelly.

"Are we ready?"
"Yup, lets go" he smiles and puts on the goggles.

We go and get into the buggy. I put on the harness that you have wear, I adjusted it to fit me. Kelly starts the engine and backs up, I switch out my sunglasses for the goggles you have to wear.

Hey it's Marina!! How do you like this honeymoon instead of them getting attacked lol anyways this is going to be across multiple parts so yeah, also I can not believe this book already has over 4k views like what??? Thank you guys so so much I love you bye

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