Fire Family

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A few days later

Me and Kelly are on shift, well he's on call i'm just at desk which I'm kinda sad about but i'm happy that i get to be with my fire family.

I walk to Kelly office. I knock on his door.
"Hey so i have an idea on how we are going to tell the house the genders and that we are having twins" i say to him. Kelly looks at me with that smile
"Whatcha got?" he asks, smiling at me. I go and sit on his bed. He's sitting at his desk.
"So I was thinking we could make a sign saying that there's not 1 but 2 new firefighters coming soon!" i say "then for the genders we could put letters all around the house the spell out we're 2 girls"
"Wow, I love this idea! When did you come up with it?" he asks
"I'm glad you like it, I was in the shower. I have all my best ideas in there" i laugh
"That's awesome" he says laughing "do you want to start on the letters? I think there's some pink paper in the storage room" he asks
"Sure i cant wait" i say all happy

We got most of the letters cut out. Kelly is finishing them up. I'm writing the sign that's going to go to the meeting room.
"How's it going?" Kelly asks
"Good! I just got to do the firefighter part then I'm done" I say, smiling down at my work.
"Good job! I like it so far" Kelly says still cutting the letters.

 "They're going to be so surprised!" i say in a happy tone

"Yes they are" he said

After we finished, Kelly went to ask the chief if we could use the meeting room for the surprise.

Kelly walks back to me with a thumbs up. I sneak the sign into the meeting room and tape it up to the white board that is in there. While I was doing that Kelly was placing the letters around the house. Some people question what he was doing but they decide to leave him to do what he was doing.

"They all scatter around the house!" Kelly said as he comes to meet me in the meeting room

"Good now I can go tell Chief we're ready for the house" I say, kissing his cheek and walking out the door to go to the Chief. He stays in there to get the stuff ready.

I walk up to kelly. Hiding the sign, once everyone starts to come in, the chief comes to the front to talk.
“Okay guys, we have been called in here for something” he starts “i have no idea what it is so with that kelly” he saids and goes to find a chair to sit in.

“As you guys know we are having a baby but did you guys know that we are not just having one?” Kelly says, me and him move out of the way of the sign that I made. They all look at it very confused. Then gallo reads it aloud
“not 1 but 2 new firefighters coming soon!,” then he looks at us “does this mean you're having twins?”
“Yes!” i say, everyone congratulates us and hugs and everything.
“But one more thing guys, we know their  genders, but were not going to tell you because you have to find these pink letters” i say
“I hid them all around the house so by then end you should have enough letters to make a sentence” kelly adds “have fun finding them” he said with a smile
They all run out of there looking for them. Me and Kelly are laughing our heads off, and the chief looks at us.
“I'm really happy for you guys” he saids
“Thanks chief” i say and hug him.

A few minutes later, they come back with most of the letters.
“Okay we got  W, E, 2, G, L, R, R,” Herman saids “what would that spell?” he asks very confused “oh wait, we need more letters! Where's Gallo and Ritter?” I yell to the people out running.
“Were here, and we got some more letters” Gallo says, as he and Ritter come in.

“Were here, and we got some more letters!'' Gallo says, as he and Ritter come running in.
“Okay we got it!” Herrmann yells. Everyone comes in to see what it is.
“hi! we’re 2 girls” he saids
“Oh my god you're having girls!!” Brett screamed and ran over to me.
“Congratulations!” they all said to us.
“I'm really happy for you guys!” Caesy said to kelly.
“Thanks man” he says
A few hours later

I'm at my desk doing work for the chief. But then the bells go off.
“Stella, i need you to go on ambo with brett because violet is out because of her surgery” chief asks me
“Yes chief” I say as I'm trying to run to the ambo.

“lets go” i say
“Yes ma’am”

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