All Clear

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I'm the back of the ambo, Kelly is sitting on the grney. We were like 5 minutes away. Then Kelly passes out. "Kelly!!" I try to wake him up he doesn't move.
"How long?!" Violet calls to Brett as she does some stuff to Kelly.
"2 minutes" she yells back.
Then the ambulance took a very hard stop. I went to open the door.
"What do we got?" Will asks
"32 year old male, smoke inflation, he fell on his shoulder but then he passed out on the way here" Violet tells Will as we bring him into the ER.
"Okay" he said "lets get him to troma 3" he yells "stella i need you to stay out here, ether me or Crockett will come and tell you what's going on okay?"
"Okay" I said nervously. I walk over to Brett and violet.
"Hey, I'm going to stay here and wait." i said
"Yea us too. I got a call from chief saying that me and violet can stay with you" brett told me
"Okay" i say, trying to give them a smile

We all sit in the waiting room. I play with my fingers. Brett seems to notice.
"I told Casey how I felt" she blurted out. I looked up at her. "What! That's awesome! What did he say?"
"We'll as you already knew he likes me back well more loves me back!" She says smiling
"Congratulations! I'm really happy for you guys" I say smiling. Then Crockett comes out.
"Stella?" He asks
"Yup, im here" I say as I get up "how is he?" I ask
"Kelly is doing just fine he just has a very bruised shoulder but other than that he all good" he tells me. I let out a sigh of relief.
"That's good. But why did he pass out on the way here?" I ask
"We're not sure maybe it was to much pain for him to handle?"
"Okay that kinda makes sense. Um I can see him?"
"Yes, of course. Room 36" Crockett tells me.
"Thank you" I smile and headed off to his room.

I walk into his room, cautiously open the door. He's sleeping. His hair all messy when he wakes up in the morning.
“Hey kelly” i whisper  he smiles at the sound of my voice
“Hey baby” he says grogley
“How are you feeling?” i ask him
“Okay but my shoulder hurts but other than that i'm all good” he says smiling
“Well I'm happy that you are ok. You know that you scared the heck out of me you know that right?” I laugh but also have a serious tone in my voice.
“I know, i heard you talking to the chief” he said “you know the moment the chimney fell on me all i could think about is you and are new family coming together” he smiles at me.
“Really?” i ask my heart touched by his words
“Yes! You know what? As soon as i get out of the hospital we will plan the wedding ok?”
“Okay! I'm really happy that we are get married kelly”
“Me too, i couldn't imagine someone else to spend the rest of my life with” he smiles and strokes my cheek “i love you so much, Stella Kidd”
“I love you too, Kelly Severide”

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