Lazy Day

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Time jump - 3 months

I wake up to the sun shining through the window in our room, Kelly is gone at work. I have been staying at home to work on the baby's nursery. It's coming along really well. We changed the guest room, I painted it a light blue and hung pictures and Kelly made the cribs.

I yawned and pulled the blankets off of me, and made my way down to the bathroom. After that I went to make myself a cup of coffee. I decided to make some chocolate chip pancakes. I got 3 pancakes and some orange juice and walked over to the couch and put it on Lost.

After like 2 episodes, I finally got up, I put my stuff in the sink, and hobbled my way to the girl's room. I looked around on what I had to do. There were clothes in each of the cribs, I made it my mission to put most of them in their closet by the time Kelly gets home.

I can't believe that we get to meet these girls in 2 short months. It feels like yesterday that I was telling Kelly that I was pregnant. But that was over 7 months ago. We got married, I passed my lieutenant test, Brett and Casey are finally together. After years of them pinning after each other.

Speaking of Brett, I haven't talked to her in a little while. She was still working after I stopped working for a little bit. When I made it halfway through the clothes I decided to call her, and catch up with her.

I dialed her number, it rang a few times. I expected that she's on shift right now. Then she picked up.

"Hello?" she asked

"Hey! How are you? I haven't in forever" i asked, she didn't seem really happy. "Hey what's wrong?"

"I lost the baby," she replied, her voice quivered. I gasped, I felt so bad for her. I know she was so excited for that baby.

"Oh my, Brett, are you okay? How are you and casey? How's he taking it?"

"I'm okay, I've been distracting myself with work. Me and Casey are doing okay, we talked about it and he told me if ever i'm ready we could try again. Even though that baby was an accident it didn't feel like one. I know it must have hurt Casey so much, he's already been through this with gabby. But he's been really open to me and I've been doing the same with him" she told me, even though she was telling me she was okay, i could tell she wasn't doing okay.

"Okay, well here, i think i'm going to stop by the fire house after i get some more clothes done" i say, and get up.

"Oh you don't have to do that," she said "stay home, rest"

"No no, it's fine. I'm bored here." I say and get some pants and one Kelly's shirts.

"Okay, if you want. I'll let the chief know you're stopping by then" she said, i heard her to get up.

"Seeeee you soon" i smile into the phone.

~Kelly pov~
"Hey Severide, Stella just called me and she said that she's on her way over to the firehouse,'' Brett said, as she poked her head into my office. Her eyes were a little puffy like she'd been crying or something.

"Okay thanks for letting me know, also where are you crying?" I ask, not really trying to pry into her life or whatever but I didn't like it when my family cried.
"Oh yeah, I was talking to Stella and I told her about something. But I'm fine" she reassured me, she wiped her tears. I didn't really believe her but I let it go. After she left I continued to do some paperwork and reports and all that stuff. I just got done with the report on my last call, as I was walking to give it to the chief my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID, it was stella.

"Hey, baby. What's up?"

"Hey! So I'm on my way over to the fire house right now, but I was going to stop at the pastry shop that just opened. I wanted to know if you and the house wanted anything." she asked, i smiled.

"Yeah, let me just drop this off to chiff and then I'll put you on speaker for the guys" I said, and I set the report on his desk. Then I walked into the kitchen. "Hey, guys Stella wants to know if you guys want anything from this new pastry shop" I ask and put her on speaker phone, as they all start talking at the same time.

"Hey stella" they all said

"Hey! As you know I'm on my way to a pastry shop. Would anyone like to get their order in? Because I'm delivering."

Everyone started talking at the same time. "She can't hear all of you at the same time. One at a time..." I said then everyone started telling me what they wanted.

"Okay, I got scone, turnover, eclairs..." I started. When I stopped I heard Horns honking, through the phone.

"Now what is this guy doing?" Stella asks, as we hear her Brakes squealing. "Oh, my..." she never finished her sentence as we all heard a crash, and glass shattering.

"Sella? Stella!" I ask, shouting at the phone, then the bells ring.

Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, multiple vehicle accident, Highway 57, mile marker 19.

"Stella" I whisper, all color draining from my face.

Hey!!! Long time no see lol I had to do something crazy. But we'll have to see if she's okay in the next chapter! OH also I was thinking about doing kind of a spin off of this book but focusing on Brett and Casey's realionship bc I'm kinda obsessed with them at the moment lol but it's in the works but thank you guys for all of the love for this book it means a lot!!!
~ Marina

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