Your Okay

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“She's stable right now, and the babys are fine” april told me
“Oh good” i say letting out a sigh of relief
“See, I told you she's a tough girl,'' Brett told me. She was sitting next to me and everyone else was here in the waiting room to get an update on Stella and mills.
“Can I go see her?” i asked
“Yes of course”

I walk down the hospital hallway, remembering when I was here for shay. It brings back so many memories for me. I smile at the remberies of Shay. I missed her so much, but she died so I could have stella. I don't know what I would have done if I lost her too. I was miserble when Shay died, and she was my best friend, and Stella is my fiancee so I probably will be way worse.
I walk to her room, I see her in the window sleeping, trying to fight to stay alive. I slowly open the door and grab a chair to sit next to her. I grab her hand and rub it gently.

“Hey Stella, I hope you can hear me, but I want you to know that I love you so much, I would do anything for you.” I tell her, hoping she can hear me. “This accident that happened made me realize something stella, if or when you wake up i want to get married next week ok? I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life, you make me who I am. Stella, I'm no one without you. Please wake up” i pleaded to her

I cry next to her for a little while, then I feel something squeeze my hand. I look up and Stella is fluttering her eyes open.
“Stella?” I ask, I am happy to see her awake. She looks over at me, at first she smiles the she looks scared because i was crying
“You don't have to cry kelly, i'm right here” she says squeezing my hand
“I know baby, i thought i lost you and the the girls” i say while the tears are running down my face.
“Hey, its okay im not going anywhere” she says and puts her hand on my cheek and wipe the tears.

-Time jump 2 weeks-

                     ~Stella pov~
I had to stay at the hospital for a week, so the doctors know that I'm all good and that the girls are all good. Right now i'm at the island looking for a wedding dress, we already picked that we wanted it small so we chose a beach wedding.
“Hey, what about this stute?” Kelly asks as he turns the computer tores me.
“I like it, hey i think i found a perfect dress to go with it!” I say smiling.
“Oo can I see?” kelly says and tries to get a peek but i close my computer before he could see anything
“No you cant” i say laughing “you will get to see it on are wedding on friday”
“But thats so far away stella” he said giving me those kelly eyes
“Your not going to change my mind” i tell him and give him a kiss.

We get to fire house and me and kelly are in are car waiting for something.
“You ready?” kelly asks
“Yea” i say looking at him
“Whatever happens, I want you to remember these 5 words from me okay?”
“Okay” i say smiling
“You got this stella kidd” he says just like always does
I smile at him “what would i do without you kelly”
“I don't know because I don't know what I would have done without you” he said and placed a kiss on my lips. “And i don't know what i would have done without you two” he places his hand on my belly.

Hey guys!! Marina here, thank you guys so much 2k reads!!! Like what I wasn't expecting that many people to read it. But next chapter is going to be there wedding so stay tuned for that!! Thank you again you guys are the best!!

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