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                      ~Chiefs pov~
“Hey chief! Severide here” kelly radios finally “roof collapsed, We'll need assistance.” he saids
“What the hell happened?” i ask of the radio
“Propane tanks from the top floor. There are squatters cooking on open flames.” he tells me “i jumped for the stairwell”
“All right, spread out, get eyes on everyone” i tell him

                         ~Kelly's Pov~

“Hey! Casey, you copy? ” i call
“Down here” he replies
“You okay?” i ask
“I think so”
“All right, we're coming down.” i say
I get down there and help casey up
“You're okay right?”  ask him just to be sure
“Yup all good” he tells me

“Man down!”  we hear someone say
We run over to them
“Oh god, mills” i say
Me, Casey and Cruz help him.
“easy, easy” i say
“Come on” casey saids
“My leg!” mills saids
“Just breath mills” i say trying to calm him down
“We need to get him a splint” cruz says
“Brett, stella?” i ask over the radio, no resopst back
“Hey, chief. Mills may have a fractured leg” i radio to chief “Can you get him out of there?” I asked Casey and cruz.
“Yes we can”

“Hey chief, do you have eyes on Brett or kidd?” i ask him
“No,” he replies. After hearing that I went to look for her, I kept thinking to myself “what if i'm going to lose her?” I can't lose her. She's my everything, my love, my happiness, she means the world to me, i don't know what i could do without her.

“Stella! Call out!” i yell

“Brett?” i see her doing chest compressions on someone
“Come on stella!, one…Two…three…four” she says
“Stella!” i run over to them
I run so fast, all I'm thinking about is her at this point.
“Stella!” i say as i get on my knees next to her very pale body
“She got some blows to the head” brett tells me
“Switch compressions with me?” i ask her
“Yup, Ready?”
“one..Two..Three” we say
I take over them
“Come on stella”
“Come on Stella” i say in tears
“Hey lets get her to the ambo?” brett asks me
“o-okay “ i say still do compressions
The medics arrive.
“Okay Kelly you have to let her go with them she will be in good hands with them, okay?” brett tells me,
“no no, i can't lose her, i already lost shay, i can't lose her and the babys, Brett” i say crying
“It's going to be alright, kelly she's a tough girl, she will live i know she will”

I hear the music, and I look down the aisle. Here comes Stella, in her beautiful dress. I can't help but cry a little.
I take her hands, the talks “We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of Sella Kidd and Kelly Severide. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends. They have wirtend there own vows, Stella”
“I'm so proud that today I become your wife. I love you. I love the way you dance to make me laugh. I love that you always push my hair back when it's in my face. I love that I get a kiss from you every time we stop at a red light. I love that you're open to trying new things. Today, I want to make promises to you that I will always keep. I promise to never stop holding your hand. I promise to make sure I'm not just hungry when I get upset. I promise to share my food with you, never go to bed angry. I promise to stand by your side while you face the world. Listen to you when you speak. I promise to join your laughter with my own and when you can't look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark. I promise to grow alongside you, but also to never grow up. I promise to love, respect, protect and trust you, and give you the best of myself, for I know that together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone. I choose you. I'll choose you over and over and over, without pause, without doubt, I'll keep choosing you. I used to never truly enjoy moments because I was always waiting for what's next. The next thing to happen. Kind of living life in fast forward. Now that I have you, I enjoy the moment. Every moment. Today seems like it's the start of a new journey, but I already belong to you. Falling for you wasn't falling at all—it was walking into a house and knowing you're home. I love you." she said in tears, i'm in tears too.
“Now kelly” the officiants says
“Do you remember the very first day that we met? I knew the very first moment I saw you. I knew we were meant to be together for all of our days. You have become my lover, my companion, and my best friend. There's no one else I'd want to build a life with. I get to have you by my side, my love and my wife, for eternity.” i say.
Stella, as you place this ring on Kelly's finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever”I did the same thing.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride”
I kiss her lovingly.

-back in the present-
“Kelly?” april asks
“Hey, how is she doing? How are the babys?”

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