Honeymoon part 2

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We get on the road, the wind in my face. Kelly put on the radio loud enough for us to hear it. I put my hands up. The wind feels so good.

Once we get in the sand area, I grab my bag and get our scarves. We stopped so we could put them on.
“Its so pretty” i say, looking over the dunes to the water.
“Yeah it is, why haven't we come here before?” Kelly laughs. He's never been here so it's his first time. Right now we are going to the driver park area, where we are going to drop our stuff off. Kelly shuts off the engine, and unbuckles, he also turns off the radio then he takes off the goggles and scarf. 
We go and drop stuff off and get back into the buggy. We start up the engine and kelly drives to one of the hills. We decided not to do the big one because of me. So we went around it and went to the other hills.

~after they rode the hills~

Kelly parked the Buggy and I got out and dusted all the sand off of me. I walk over to our cooler and chairs, I open mine and Kelly’s. He comes over in sunglasses with his towel in his hands.

“The dunes are so pretty” I smiled, and took the creme soda from him, he got into the cooler before sitting down next to me. He has a beer.

“Yes they are, just like you” he smiles and wiggles his eyebrows. I blush and open my pop.

We talked and ate lunch out there, and walked across the beach. Once it was 3 we decided to go back to the cabin. The wind on my hands feels so good.

Once we get back to the cabin, I go inside and throw my sandals by the door. I go into my room and get some clothes, I put them on the bed. I walked out to where Kelly was. He looked up from what he was doing.
“Hey” he smiles
“Hey, I'm going to get the shower, do you want to join me?” I asked him.
“Yes please” he smiles, as he comes over to me, places a kiss on my lips. I smile and take his hand and lead him into the bathroom.

Heyyy long time no see right? Anyways ik this chaper is very short and weird but I have had major writers block rn, and I was thinking abou doing like a 3 or 4 month time jump so we are closer the stella haveing the babys. Just lmk if u guys are okay with that. OH also over 6 thousand views!! That's crazy thank you so much   ❤️

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