chapter 3

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I kept on tossing and turning on my bed, couldn't sleep at all. Even though I've been trying since a while ago, I just couldn't. My mind was still active, full of what happened earlier today; not the bad news that my mother told me but about Xzavier.

"For goodness' sake, Sab, you should sleep now! It's getting late already!" I reprimanded myself like silly and closed my eyes to try to sleep but it was futile. I sighed in defeat and then opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling.

"What's happening to you, Sab?" I bit my lower lip as the events at the waterfalls earlier today replayed in my head once more...

"Oh, God. I think, let's just go back. The guards might catch us. I don't want you to get in trouble, especially that you're not one of us." I couldn't hide my fear.

"Just trust me, Ina. There's no guards here, I assure you that."

"How come you sound so sure? I live near this place but I don't even know if there are any guards lurking around this area."

He chuckled. "That's because you've never been there."

"And what about you? Have you been there?"

"Of course. That's why I know that there are no guards there." I chewed on my bottom lip and looked at our intertwined hands. It was my first time holding a man's hand and it felt totally different compared to a woman's hand for some reason. He felt so strong yet his touch was full of gentleness.

We continued on trekking for a couple of minutes more before we finally arrived.

"Welcome to paradise!" I got pulled out of my trance-like state when I heard his voice. I looked around and gasped in awe. I've never thought that this place would be this beautiful. Well, I already knew that it was beautiful just by looking at it from up there but seeing its beauty in eye level was different.

The water cascading down from the majestic waterfalls looked magnificent and was as clear as day. There were many wild flowers around and they were breathtaking. The chirping of the birds combined with the sound of the gentle breeze of the air and the waterfalls was so relaxing.

"Wow! This is beautiful, Xzav..."

His forehead crinkled. "Xzav?"

"I mean, Xzavier." I corrected. I didn't know what came over me for calling him that. To my surprise, he smiled.

"I like the sound of it. You should call me that from now on." Before I could answer, he pulled me by the hand and led me towards the water.

"Let's swim?" He asked as he let go of my hand and started taking his shirt off.

"I don't have any change of clothes." Just like the first time I ever gazed at his masculine body; a sudden scorching heat surged within me, leading me to temptation.

"Hmmm...Too bad. The water temperature is just right and it feels good to the skin." He threw his shirt to top of the big rock nearby before pulling his shorts down and did the same thing to it. I bit my lower lip as my body started feeling hot all over.

After reading the black book, I already knew that I shouldn't stare at him right now but my traitorous eyes felt like they have a life of their own.

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