chapter 29

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WARNING!!! This chapter contains MATURE scenes for ADULTS & OPEN-MINDED readers only! Read at your own risk!!!



He didn't say anything and just kept on staring at me full of seriousness. I couldn't read what was on his mind but the way he was staring at me made my body feel hot for some reason. Maybe it's because of the alcohol I consumed, the other part of my brain contradicted.

Even though the amount of alcohol I consumed wasn't enough for me to get drunk, I still felt hot all over and became braver for some reason as if could do whatever I wanted to do.

"Answer my question and stop staring at me like that, will you?!" I hissed. But then, he remained quiet which made me more annoyed.

"Fine. If you don't want to answer, suit yourself." I was about to turn my back on him and just leave when he suddenly closed the gap between us and snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me to his body in not so gentle way. I gasped in surprise.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"After we talked a while ago, it crossed my mind to stop pestering you because I didn't want to serve as a hindrance to your happiness. I came here to get one final glance at you before I leave for good but imagine my surprise when I overheard your conversation with your father. Because of that, I changed my mind especially now that I'm certain that I still have a place in your heart." He sounded happy and my heart skipped a beat.

"W-What are you talking about? Aren't you being too conceited? I've never said anything about that." I feigned ignorance and tried to distance myself from him but his arms tightened around me as he buried his face on the crook of my neck.

His warm breath tickled me and it gave me unexplainable feelings that I haven't felt in such a long time. Those familiar pleasant feelings that only he managed to make me feel...

"You still love me, right, Ina? Please tell me that you still do." He begged and my eyes widened when I felt his hands began roaming around my back, leaving a trail of heat on my skin. He sounded so desperate yet and hopeful at the same time.

"I don't know what you're saying! Now, let go of me before I scream!" I threatened him as I started to feel scared not because I was afraid of him but because of the possibility that my feelings would betray me because even though I didn't want to acknowledge it, deep inside of me, I knew for sure that I would lose myself into his seductions once again if I wouldn't be careful. I already fell into his charm one and I wouldn't want that to happen again.

"Scream if you really think that I would do something bad to you. I am not forbidding you to do whatever you think is right. But I made up my mind. I'm going to make you admit to me that I'm still the one in your heart. All I need is to reach for it myself." Before I could understand what did he mean by that, he began kissing my neck, gently nipping on it, tonguing it teasingly before sucking as if he had a plan to leave his mark on me.

Just like that, the heat in the center of my being got awakened. It went ablaze like a volcano that was on the verge of erupting.

"Mr. Montaño—ohhh!" Whatever I wanted to say became a seductive moan when I felt his naughty hand slid inside my shirt, caressed its way to my breasts.

"I missed you, so much that I feel like going insane. You don't know how hard it was for me not to come here and be with you again." I covered my mouth with my palm to prevent myself from moaning loudly when he pinched my already turgid nipples through my bra.

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