chapter 34

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"Always forgive, but never forget, else you will be a prisoner of your own hatred, and doomed to repeat your mistakes forever." ― Wil Zeus, Sun Beyond the Clouds



"If Safe Haven was established by your parents, then how come it became like that? While growing up, I hated that place because it was nothing but a prison cell, denying us our freedom." Sabina voiced out quietly.

"Because Safe Haven got infested by pests who wanted nothing but to achieve their personal gain. Just like I've said just now, the start of Safe Haven was so different compared to now. My parents and their friends did everything to help these victims of terrorists by providing them a place that they could call their home.

"The agents who were assigned to destroy these terrorists tried their best to catch them but since these terrorists were good at what they do, they had difficulty catching them. During those times, the population in Safe Haven slowly increased as my parents continued on helping people in need. These people got rescued by them or escaped luckily on their own.

"During those times, everyone in Safe Haven loved my parents and they were thankful for their help. They received a lot of help from different private individuals to finance what they do. The government even recognized their efforts but since they were walking on thin ice, nobody was allowed to talk about it publicly. It was a top-secret project.

"Back then, the leaders in Safe Haven consisted of my parents' very own friends. They were the ones who took care of everything there on everyday basis because my parents couldn't stay there because of me. To name a few, these friends of theirs were Father Nicolas, Sister Fernanda and Sister Lora." Sabina looked shock of the revelation.

"Sister Fernanda was one of your parents' friends? Even Father Nicolas?"

"Yes, Ina. The others got killed during that tragic day that changed everything in Safe Haven."

"What tragic day?"

I smiled sadly. "More than 21 years ago, an unknown group infiltrated Safe Haven and killed many people. Among the victims were some of the leaders. But more than two weeks before they attacked Safe Haven, a group of men attempted to kill me and my parents but thankfully, my parents' men saved us.

"But sadly, my parents almost died. My father fell into a coma while the doctors managed to revive my mother after going flat-line. Because of that happened to us, they couldn't visit Safe Haven. When my mother finally recovered after two weeks, she called Father Nicolas and informed him about what happened.

"She then entrusted Safe Haven to him. The two days after that, the attack in Safe Haven happened, and no one informed my parents about it. My mother was busy caring for my father even though the doctors advised her to rest because he was still in a come back then. Two months later, my father finally woke up from coma and thankfully, recovered quicker than expected.

"I was still young back then but I remembered how my parents wanted to go back to Safe Haven to check what has been happening there during their absence because no one from Safe Haven had contacted them.

"Because I was just a kid back then, I was always craving for their attention but when they chose to go to Safe Haven without even spending much time with me, I've grown to hate that place. I felt like it was always the reason why my parents were always occupied and didn't have much time for me. I couldn't understand what was in that place that they needed to visit it.

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