chapter 38

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A/N: Hi, Amores. Thankfully, I managed to fix my laptop. I couldn't write yesterday and I was contemplating not to update today because of what happened but I decided to update anyway because I'm rushing to finish this story. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. Enjoy reading. :)



The wide smile on my face has been there since a while ago and my cheeks were already hurting a little but I was too happy that I couldn't stop smiling like crazy.

"Have a nice day, Miss." The guy at the information desk told me as I passed by.

"Thank you." When I exited the building, I dialed my mom's number and told her the good news.

"Mom, I got the job! I can't believe it!"

"Oh, my God! Congratulations, my dear! I knew you would get it. I've never doubted you." That made me smile. She really sounded so proud and that made me happier.

"Congratulations, sweetie! Of course, they would hire you because you're brilliant." It was my dad. Just like my mom, he sounded so proud and happy for me.

"Thank you, dad. Can Xzavier and I come over tonight so that we could celebrate together?"

"Why are you asking? You know that this is your home, Sab. You don't have to ask for permission to come over. If it were up to me, I'm against you staying at Xzavier's house without being married first but since it was your desire to do so, then so be it. You're not a child anymore and I know that you know what you're doing. He makes you happy and that's the most important thing."

"Aw. Thank you for being so understanding, dad. I'm sorry if I disappointed you in anyway because of this decision of mine. Xzavier and I haven't been together for more than three years and now that we're back together, we don't want to waste time being apart again." I heard him sigh.

"I understand where you're coming from, sweetie. I just hope that Xzavier will stay true to his words and would never hurt you again. Because if he would, I would surely skin him alive and make sure that he would never see you again." Even though he was half-joking, I knew that he was serious about it as well.

"Dad, you know that Xzavier will never do that. You saw how he cared and loved me even though we were separated for so long. He did everything so that he would be still involved with my life even though I wasn't aware of it one bit. No man would ever exert that kind of effort if they weren't serious." I bit my lower.

I knew that they were still reluctant and worried about all of this but Xzavier had been trying his best to show them that they didn't make a mistake letting me be with him again.

"Don't listen to your dad, my dear. You know how worrywart he could be when it comes to you." My mom interrupted. Well, she's been always fond of Xzavier.

"She's our only child, honey. I just want to make sure that the man she chose to be with her is worthy of her love. I don't want to see her get hurt again." Dad answered with a hint of worry.

"And Xzavier is obviously worthy, honey, so stop worrying so much because if not, you would become bald because of so much stress." My mom teased and I chuckled upon hearing that.

"Anyway, we'll see you both tonight, my dear. Be careful when driving."

"Thank you, mom. See you tonight then." I then ended the call with a smile on my face. My parents were really only thinking about nothing but my happiness.

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