chapter 20

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I kept on shooting my target like a madman and with each shot, I was wishing that it would lessen the heavy feeling in my chest. I scoffed. As if this would help you, moron...

"What's with you today, 7? Thankfully, we're here at the shooting range not in a mission. Look at the people around. They seem terrified of you for shooting like you're going to kill everyone without a second thought." My jaw flexed as I threw a glance at Ez.

"I don't give a fùck about them. Why don't you just shoot your target and leave me alone?" He laughed.

"Well, I'm getting bored with all these stationary targets. You know that I prefer the real thing. Anyway, why did you decide for us to come here when you have your own shooting range? You just ruined the moment of the people here by intimidating them."

"I just want to blow off some steam out of my house for a change. And for your information, I am not trying to intimidate anyone. I am just here, minding my own business. If they're threatened by my presence, that's their problem, not mine." I reloaded the gun that I was holding. "Why did you come with me if you don't like these kinds stuff?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Because I am on vacation right now and I don't have anything to do." I looked at him sharply.

"On vacation or spying on me?" He laughed again and I zeroed my eyes on him, beginning to get irritated than I already was.

"Well, not really. Just like I've said, I'm really on vacation right now." Then, he turned serious. "I'm just here because I'm worried to be honest."

"Worried about what? You don't have to be worried about me. I'm doing fine. Besides, it's not like I'm a baby that needs someone to take care of me."

"I'm not worried about you. I'm just worried about other people you might encounter. Knowing your temper these past few years..."

"What do you think of me? A murderer that will kill anyone I see just because of my temper?!"

He released a breath. "That's not what I'm trying to say. You know what I mean. I'm here as a friend. Since I am your best friend, the guys and I decided to do this now that you finally came back from your mission in Afghanistan. Everyone has been worried about you, you know." I huffed and then threw the gun that I was holding on the nearby table instead of continuing to shoot the targets.

I suddenly lost the interest so I decided to sit on the seat across Ez and chugged down my beer.

"Just like what I've said just now, I am not a child so you don't have to look after me. Tell the guys, everything's okay. I am here for a short break before going back to Afghanistan." I then reached for my leather jacket and put it on before standing up and was about to walked out of there when Ez spoke once again.

"Regan just sent me a message, asking if we could make it to the club."

"I don't have any interest in going to the club right now and watch that guy drown himself in alcohol because his woman left him."

"Look who's talking." He muttered under his breath and I gave him a glare.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Anyway, if you don't want to go to the club, it's okay. We can just meet them at the mancave. I know that you don't have anything to do the whole day today because you're on vacation too so why don't we just hangout with the guys?" He's right.

Starting today, it would be my indefinite leave from the organization because it has been so long since the last time I took a vacation. I finally got tired after incessant working for the last three and half years without a single day of break.

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