chapter 41

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It's weekend again, Amores. Hope you'll have a wonderful one. Enjoy reading. ❤️



When we arrived at our hotel suite, Xzavier went to the balcony and talked to someone on the phone. He wouldn't tell me what was going on but I could tell that what happened to us a while ago wasn't a simple accident.

The rage in Xzavier's eyes told me so. Because he'd been on the phone for I didn't know how long, I decided to freshen up first.

While I was relaxing in the bathtub, I heard the door of the bathroom open and Xzavier came in. He was naked as the day he was born.

My cheeks went red as I gawked at him appreciatively. Gosh. He looked like a Greek God. No matter how many times I see him like this, his effect on me never changed one bit.

"Why didn't you wait for me? And I was even planning to take a bath with you." His lips were curved with a half naughty smile.

"Well, you were so busy talking with someone on the phone." The smile on his face disappeared. Then, he joined me in the bathtub in silence and that ticked me off. I could tell that he was keeping something from me but looked like he didn't have any plans of telling me about it.

"I think, I'm done bathing." I stood up and was about to step out of the tub when he suddenly pulled me by the hand which caused me to lose my balance. I shrieked, thinking that I might fall. Thankfully, he quickly caught me.

"Stay." He made me sit back with my back pressed against his front, his arms wrapped around my waist while resting his chin on my shoulder.

I craned my head to glare at him. "Why did you do that?! You scared me! I thought, I was going to fall!" He laughed.

"Sorry. It wasn't my intention to scare you like that. I know you're not done yet so don't leave me here. Taking a bath alone is lonely." For some reason, his voice was weird. It wasn't the usual playful Xzavier.

I chewed on my lower lip, wanting to voice out the questions on my mind but I didn't know where to start. Just thinking that we were on danger was giving me incomparable fear already.

No one spoke for a couple of minutes, just enjoying each other's warmth. His hard chest against my back felt so good but I just couldn't shake the feeling of being left out about something and I knew, I had to ask.

"Aren't you going to tell me what's been bothering you since a while ago? Remember that there shouldn't be any secrets between us." He rained butterfly kisses on my shoulder as his hands cupped my breasts, gently massaging them.

My body instantly went ablaze, eaten by scorching flame of desire but I knew better than to let him seduce me without us talking first.

"Mr. Montaño, quit it. I won't let you seduce me right now. I'm not that weak that I wouldn't be able to say no to your seductions." My voice was stern and his body went still.

He sighed in resignation. "I'm sorry, my Ina. It wasn't my intention to make this a secret from you. My men are still verifying it. For now, all we have to do is to be careful."

My forehead creased. "Verifying what? Don't tell me..."

"Yes. What happened a while ago was not just a simple accident. Someone tried to harm us by shooting the tire of the car that's why it exploded like that. They shoot it twice actually. The other bullet struck the wheel and the other one pierced the tire." I gasped in shock.

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