chapter 7

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Happy weekend, Amores! 



I opened my eyes and sat up right away when I heard the door open. I just fell asleep but now that this man entered this room, I should make sure not to get my guard down. If I remember it right, it's been 3 days since they brought me here and never let me see the light of day from that day on.

I wasn't sure where they took make because they blindfolded me to ensure that the place would remain secret. They made sure to lock every window including the door so that I wouldn't be able to escape.

Even though I haven't seen the outside of this room yet, I knew for sure that there were guards around.

"Good morning, Sabina." He greeted with a smile while holding a tray full of food. My jaw flexed full loathe, giving him deathly glare.

"Where did you take my mom? Where is she?"

He chuckled. "C'mon, Sabina. You don't have to worry about her. She's safe. You will see him again after the wedding so be a good girl and just do as I say. Just like I told you before, just be obedient and everything will be more than okay." My fist tightened.

I wanted nothing but to hit him in the face but I knew that I would only put my mother in further danger if I do that. Ever since they brought me here, I've never had any good night sleep because I was so worried about my mother.

I wanted to blame myself because if it wasn't because of me, she wouldn't be in this kind of danger. But then, I realized that I shouldn't do that because Father Nicolas and the other leaders were the one at fault.

I couldn't understand why no one in Safe Haven questions their authority over our lives. Well, I couldn't blame them. Most of them were afraid to say anything against the SFH.

"Looks like you finally understand. That's more like it. The real Sabina is finally slowly coming back." I remained silent and that seemed to please him more. He placed the tray on the small coffee table and approached me.

"That's my girl." He then sat next to me on the edge of the bed and my body jerked when he touched my shoulder. "You're really so beautiful, Sabina. I knew you'd be this beautiful from the moment I first laid my eyes on you." His voice was slightly trembling while ogling at me full of lust. I felt like all the hair on my body stand up.

Every part of my being loathes this man to the core. Ever since the moment I discovered about the fixed marriage, slowly but surely, his true colors were coming out of the box.

I knew way before that that he wasn't the kindest person but I've never thought that he's such a terrible person like this.

"Get away from me." I answered sternly, full of disgust.

He smirked as he toyed some strands of my hair with his finger. "It's a pity that I can't make love with you right now because of tradition but on our wedding night, you'll finally be mine and nothing could stop me from finally having you." I turned my head and met his gaze.

"Make love? People who make love do it out of love."

His eyes thinned. "Who told you that? How come, you know this much about making love? You shouldn't've learned all those things before our marriage. Besides, whoever told you that was lying. Making love is a normal part of union between a man and a woman." His voice became dangerous but I didn't let myself get intimidated.

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