chapter 26

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A/N: Salut, Amores! I hope you will still with me until I finish this story. Thanks for reading.  Anyway, just wanted you to know that something good happened and it might be my reason to continue writing on this platform. When I made that announcement the last time, saying that I would stop writing, I already made up my mind to stop writing for at least a year. But then, unexpectedly, I received good news. Not sure yet but after we finalized everything, I'll let you know my final decision. Have a nice day. Enjoy. :)



All the resentment inside of me came back like a vengeance and my emotions turned haywire. All the resentment, anger and pain were potent combination, enough for me to lose myself.

Even though my mother and I managed to get out of Safe Haven safely, the experience would surely stay with us for the rest of our lives.

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked Xzavier coldly as I met his gaze. Yes, the necklace was beautiful and obviously expensive but I didn't want to keep something from him with these negative emotions still lurking inside of me.

"Because that's rightfully yours, my Ina. That's my heart and I hope, you will cherish it." The corner of my lips lifted as I chuckled full of bitterness.

"I don't have any reason to accept this. We're nothing but strangers to each other anyway. Well, aside from knowing each other's names and that's all." I took his hand and returned the necklace to him. I was about to pull back my hand when he stopped me by holding me by the hand as he shook his head.

"You're wrong, Ina, and you know it. Everything that we shared in the past was very special and I will treasure those memories for the rest of my life. Even though it was short, those special moments with you were the best days of my life." He then placed the necklace back to my palm.

"Please, accept it, my Ina." He then closed my palm and then let go of my hand. "I know, it will be difficult for you to forgive me but I will do everything in my power for my feelings to reach your heart once again." He then smiled.

"Damn. I can't believe I'm saying these cheesy words. Before I met you, I was confident that I would never fall into a woman and let her control my feelings until I go crazy over her. But now, I don't care if I'm being corny as long as I tell you what's really inside of me. Even if people would hear it, I couldn't care less because I'm just being true to myself." My foolish heart skipped a beat.

"You're just wasting your time." I uttered and a sad but determined smile appeared on his face.

"Maybe but I will never give up. That's how much I love you." I gritted my teeth.

"Don't ever spew lies!" I snapped at him before turning my back on him and walked away. How could he say those words without even blinking an eye? I wanted to get away from him because I didn't want to hear another lie from him but I didn't expect what he did next which made my heart pound like a drum.

"I love you, my Ina, and that's not a lie. I'm not ashamed to shout that to the world because you're that special to me. I want everyone to know that no matter what happens, you're still mine and I'm yours." Everyone around us were busy chatting but when they heard what he said out loud, they stopped talking and looked at the two of us in shock.

Even I was shocked, didn't expect him to say that out loud that even my parents clearly heard it.

I didn't know what to do. Everyone was looking at us confusedly and I was at a loss for words but Xzavier looked like he didn't care as he walked up to me, gently held me by the shoulders and made me face him.

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