chapter 32

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"You cannot love if you cannot forgive." - Kemi Sogunle



He slowly walked up to me; his eyes never left mine. As he approaches, my heart pounded even more loudly. Then, he stopped at least a foot away from me. For some reason, I didn't like him being serious like this because I knew what would happen next.

I've been avoiding it 'til now but after hearing my mother's advice, I realized that I've been trying to run away from the truth. Enough is enough...

"Wear this. It's chilly out here. You might catch a cold." I then handed him the shirt that I was holding.


I huffed. "So, what if it's pink? The color won't damage your manliness or something."

"I didn't say that I didn't want to wear it." He then put it on but I looked at the other way while he was doing it because I didn't want to get distracted.

"Can we talk?" I then muttered when he finished.

"So, you finally want to listen, huh?" I stared daggers at him and he raised his hands as if he was surrendering.

"Okay, let's talk. Don't glare at me like that, my Ina. You're scaring me." I sneered at him and then sat on the sofa. He followed me and sat next to me. There was a deafening silence after that and I thought, no one would ever dare start talking when he finally did.

"What do you want to hear first?" I met his gaze. He seemed to finally ready to take this seriously.

"Everything." He nodded his head and then looked up the sky before a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Fùck. I've been wanting for this chance to happen but now that you're letting me explain, I don't know where to start. I suddenly feel kinda scared." He then released a breath and raked his fingers through his hair.

"This is the only chance that I'm going to listen to your explanation so you should use this chance wisely." I caught his Adam's apple move, indicating that he swallowed hard.

"I know." His lips stretched with a small smile while gazing into my eyes before taking a deep breath and finally began. "I can still remember more than three years ago. That fateful day, the sky was a little sunny but gloomy at the same time. While I was looking around Safe Haven for the first time since I arrived there, I saw the most beautiful woman I've ever set my eyes on, crying.

"I didn't know why but when I saw her tears fall, I felt like my heart was being chopped into pieces. I got confused instantly. Those feelings were foreign to me because I've never felt it before. No other woman had ever caught my attention before until that time and it surprised me because it was someone I've never met before." His eyes bored into mine.

"That woman was you, my Ina." My lips parted as my heart reacted wildly. He took my hand and kissed it.

"I went there for a personal mission that I needed to do for the sake of my family. Before I even stepped foot in Safe Haven, I already knew the place and the people there because that information was sent to me by one of the people I trust the most.

"Before our first encounter, I really thought that everything would just be a piece of cake but that all changed when our paths final crossed..." While listening to him, all those negative feelings that I've felt began to resurface...

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