chapter 23

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A/N: Thank you for your continuous support until now, Amores. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Enjoy & happy weekend. 



Those words were music to the ears and I almost got convinced. But I knew to myself that those words weren't enough to ease the pain that he inflicted on me. The scars were still fresh on the inside and I knew that it wouldn't be so easy for me to even listen to him right now.

"Enough." I answered through gritted teeth and then took a step backward away from him. With trembling hands and legs, I picked up my clothes and then ran away from there, uncaring if I was still naked. All I wanted was to get away from him as soon as possible.

Deep inside of me, I was afraid to be near him because I knew how much my body surrenders onto him just like that and I wouldn't want that to happen.

Hearing his lies was the last thing I wanted. But looked like he wasn't ready to give up and ran after me.

"Ina, wait! Let's talk, please!"

"No! Get away from me!" I glanced at him over my shoulder and when I saw him catching up to me, I picked up my pace. Because of that, I failed to see what's ahead of me and tripped over a sticking root of a nearby tree.

I squealed as I knew that I would face plant on the hard surface of the ground but it seemed like a miracle happened because that didn't happen at all as a pair of strong arms caught me. But looked like he also lost his balance but he managed to cushion me as we both fell, with me on top of him.

"Fùck! That hurts." Judging by his voice, looked like he got hurt.

I slowly opened my eyes and met with Xzavier's tantalizing eyes. Then, my cheeks went red when I realized that we were in a salacious position. He was only wearing his briefs while me on the other hand was naked; our sensitive areas were pressed together and I gasped loudly.

"Yeah, it really hurts but I'm glad that you didn't get hurt." Xzavier uttered, obviously trying his best not to show me that he was indeed hurt. He then smiled. "Isn't this position familiar to you, my Ina?" My mind wandered to where we first me; that time when he saved me from getting swept by the river. "Even if I would get hurt multiple times, I would do it in a heartbeat so that you would never get hurt." He gently caressed my cheek while gazing at me ever so lovingly.

My heart reacted as usual but when I realized that, I quickly pushed the thought away.

"So that I would never get hurt? Really? You're all talk, Mr. Montaño. I would've believed you just now if I hadn't recall how much you hurt me in the past. After what you did, do you really think that I would believe everything you say? Not for a moment." I was about to get off him but to my horror, he wrapped his arms around my waist, preventing me from getting away from him.

"Let me go!" I hissed and began struggling out of his arms.

"Please forgive me for hurting you like that, Ina. God knows how much I wanted to spare you from that kind of pain but everything went out of my control and the only thing I could do for you that time was to make sure you were safe until now." My forehead wrinkled and stopped struggling.

"What do you mean by that?"

A sad smile appeared on his face. Then, he was about to answer when we heard voices from afar.

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