chapter 18

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I just got out of my dad's car when I heard someone calling my name. I looked at the one who was happily approaching me. Nathan, one of my friends here in the ranch. His parents also work for the Novells. It has been a while since we saw each other because he went to the USA to visit his cousins there.

"Hi, Sabina. It's been a while. I was already about to go home because your father said that you weren't home yet."

"I went to get some documents from my school. Anyway, I didn't know that you finally came back home."

He smiled. "Well, staying in the USA was fun but I quickly missed home after three months, especially you." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't pull my leg. Knowing you, you came home because you got bored there."

"I'm not kidding, Sabina. I really missed you. Anyway, I have something for you." I got surprised when he handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Now, I knew why his hands were behind him since a while ago.

"Thank you, Nathan. You didn't have to buy me anything though." I accepted it and the scent reached my nostrils. It smells nice.

"Of course, I would buy you flowers. I would never show up here without anything for the girl of my dreams."


"—Yeah, I know that you're not ready for a relationship yet but I also told you that I would wait for you no matter how long. That's how much I'm serious about you. I told you that before I left for the USA, right? I hope, you didn't forget about it because now that I came back, I will definitely continue pursuing you until you realize that I'm the right guy for you." I heaved a sigh.

"Nathan, you know that I'm not ready for that yet. I still have a lot of plans in life and I merely starting. I don't want to make you wait for nothi—"

"—I am serious about you, Sabina. Just like I've told you just now, I'm willing to wait no matter how long. That's how much I love you." I groaned inwardly. Nathan is a sweet and nice guy but for some reason, my heart never reacted towards him just like the way it reacted to...Stop, Sabina! Don't you dare go there!

"Nathan, I..." I didn't know what to say anymore. He's really determined. I've already turned him down a couple of times but he was really persistent. Aside from living here in the ranch, we studied in the same college but took different courses.

At first, I thought, he was just messing around when he told me his feelings but it turned out that he was actually serious.

Ever since we moved here to Lyon, all I had in mind was to reach my dreams and make my parents proud. I didn't want to think of anything else because I didn't want to mess up. I felt like if I wouldn't give my all into making my dreams come true, I would regret it.

God gave me the chance to get out of the mountains in order to change my life and I shouldn't waste it. Because of that, I turned down those guys who attempted to court me. But Nathan was the most persistent.

"Anyway, I came here to remind you about the party tonight. You promised to go with me before I left for the USA. I hope you didn't forget." I almost face-palmed. Yes, it actually slipped off my mind. Maybe because I wasn't planning to go. My parents weren't going because my mother has been feeling unwell since this morning that's why I decided not to attend too even though Henry and Billy kept on pestering me to go with them.

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