chapter 33

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Bon weekend, Amores! Enjoy reading. :)



Even though I was only starting, I could already see the pain that was written all over her lovely face while listening to me and my heart sank. I wanted to hit myself for hurting her this way but I didn't have a choice. If I really wanted to have a future with her, I should tell her everything now.

"Why did your aunt tell you that I was heading towards the waterfalls that time? Why did you come? You even saved me. I don't understand my connection with your mission in Safe Haven." Her voice was faint but determined at the same time to hear my explanation.

"I went to Safe Haven with the sole purpose of taking my revenge on the people who ruined my family's name and attempted to assassinate my parents. At the same time, take Safe Haven back from them. Before I even stepped foot three years ago in Safe Haven, I already gathered a lot of information that I could use during my mission there and that's including all the details about the people in that tiny village. One of the people there stood out and that was you." Her lips parted as her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"M-Me? Why? How come? I was just a nobody who didn't have a choice but to live in Safe Haven all my life." I smiled faintly at her and caressed her cheek.

"You're wrong, my Ina. You're far from being a nobody." That obviously confused her even more but she didn't say anything and waited for me to continue.

"You know why Father Nicolas had been forcing you to marry him that he even resorted in blackmailing and kidnapping you and your mother after he couldn't convince you to marry him?" She shook her head no.

"Because he knew how valuable you were that the moment he successfully marries you, he would get the power that he'd been dreaming of. More than enough power to control everything in SFH and Safe Haven."

"Power? What are you talking about? You're confusing me." She stood up. "I wanted to hear the truth, Xzav, but looks like you don't have any plans to be honest with me. I don't want to hear this made-up story of yours!" She was about to march her way out of there but I stopped her by the hand and pulled her back. Because of that, her luscious butt landed on my lap.

"Xzav!" She hissed and was about to stand up but of course, I didn't let her get away by wrapping my arms around her waist.

Fùck! Just feeling the softness of her body like this awakened every nerve ending of my body. Her smell was driving me crazy but I knew that I had to reign in my horse and concentrate on telling her everything. I shouldn't get distracted even if it was so hard to ignore her.

"Damn. It really feels nice hearing you saying my name." I couldn't stop myself and utter that in a husky voice. Then, I cleared my throat and tried my best to continue my story.

"Listen to me, Ina. I'm telling the truth. Just hear me out because I'm trying my best to explain everything in order so that you would understand clearly." She stopped wiggling out of my embrace as our gazes locked.

"Honestly, before I planned on telling you about this, I already talked to your parents this morning and asked for their permission for me to discuss this with you. Of course, I told them everything and they were so mad at me for hurting you.

"But thankfully, they calmed down after I finished telling them everything. After that, they admitted to me that they never disclosed anything about the truth of the past to you because they wanted you to have a normal and peaceful life here.

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