chapter 16

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Hi, Amores! It's Tuesday again which means, it's update time. I hope you like this update though. Enjoy reading. :)




I squealed full of excitement and joy upon reading the e-mail that I just received. I couldn't believe that all my hard work has finally been paid off. Well, I didn't do it alone because there were people who helped and supported me along the way. But the happiness knowing that I made it was inexplainable.

"What's happening here? Why did you squeal like that?" I looked at the one who spoke. My dad. He came from the kitchen and was holding a ladle with matching apron one because he was busy cooking.

"I passed the CPA licensure exam, dad!"

His face brightened. "Really? Wow! Good job, sweetie! Congratulations!" I rushed to him for a hug. He hugged me back and then kissed my forehead.

"I knew you could do it. I mean, you're a smart girl and passing the exam is just the beginning for you. Your future is bright and I can already see that you're going to succeed in the near future. I'm so proud of you."

That made my heart swell. When I was still younger, I was always wondering how would it feel to have a complete family; a mom and a dad that guide me in everything I do. I thought, it would be impossible for that to happen because we were practically locked up in Safe Haven but it did. Even though everyone was telling us that dad was already dead, mom never believed and so did I.

"Thank you, dad. I can't believe that I'm a CPA now." My mom was a CPA and I got inspired whenever she told me her stories of how she loved her work before she had me and got stuck in Safe Haven. Maybe because she's my mom that I dreamed to be like her one day.

Even though my mom didn't go back doing her previous work, she's happy now in her current work.

"Yes, and you did it in just three years and a half because you totally excelled on it and graduated in advance. Not just that. You even received the highest honors when you graduated. That's my girl." He kissed my forehead once again. Seeing him happy for me made my happiness double. I couldn't wait to see my mom's reaction.

I was about to say something when the door opened and my mother came in. She just came home from the Novell's mansion where she works as the head cook for the family. Well, there's only Mr. Jean-Claude now but his grandchildren visit him every now and then.

"You two seem so happy." She remarked while looking at us alternately.

"Well, we're indeed happy and I'm sure, you'll be happy too if you heard the very good news." My father responded as he let go of me before approaching my mom and kissed her on the lips.

"Good news? What is it about? Don't tell me..."

"Yes, mom. I passed the exam!" Her eyes widened in surprise and couldn't react right away. Then, she squealed full of joy before hugging me happily.

"Oh, my dear! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" My forehead crinkled when I noticed that her voice cracked. I pulled away from our embrace to check if she was okay. I was right. She was indeed crying.

"What happened, mom? Why the tears?" She chuckled and then wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry, my dear. Mom is just so happy for you right now. I just didn't think everything that has been happening ever since we moved her three years and a half ago would be possible." My father and I looked at each other before smiling. He then placed his arm over my mother's shoulders and kissed her temple.

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