chapter 21

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Who's still reading this book? I might put this story on-hold because I am quickly losing interest in writing nowadays not to mention with the lack of response from readers which is adding to my lack of interest also. 



I tried to pull back my hand from his grip but he didn't let it go. I was shouting for him to let me go but just like the first time we met at the party after more than three years, he acted like he wasn't hearing anything that I was saying and just continued on walking.

Then, I thought of another trick for him to just let me go even if he didn't want to.

"Help! This bad guy is kidnapping me!" He threw me glance and I caught him smirk instead of panicking.

"Scream all you want, my Ina. I don't care. Besides, it's not true that I'm kidnapping you. I just want us to talk."

"Damn you! I said let me go! I don't want to talk to you!" I struggled once again but he was too strong for me. I looked around, hoping to see someone but no one was there.

Almost all the people in the ranch were invited to my house. When we left the house, everyone was already there while the others who weren't there were probably out of the ranch that's why they couldn't attend my birthday. That explains why no one was around to help me.

I could feel the anger within me intensified. I couldn't believe that he was forcing me like this against my will.

"I hate you." I uttered full of resentment and that seemed to finally reach him because his steps came to a halt.

"I know that very much." His voice held bitterness and pain.

"Then, why did you show yourself to me again? How could you come here and act like you have every right to do this to me? You're just making me hate you even more." I answered acidly and forcefully pulled back my hand from his and I almost sighed in relief when he finally let it go.

"Aren't you really going to listen to me?" He asked silently without turning around to look at me. I gritted my teeth.

"For what? Nothing's going to change anyway. Besides, I am not interested in hearing your explanation one bit. What's the use? You're nothing but a stranger to me. I don't even know your real name. There's nothing to explain because I understand one thing here and that's the fact that everything about you and what you showed me when we were together in the past were nothing but lies. Goodbye, Mr. Cryxus Montaño. I hope our paths will not cross again after this." I turned my back on him and hurriedly walked away from there, all the while, my heart felt like it was about to leap out of my chest.

"Ina..." I heard him utter my name but I ignored him. I chuckled mirthlessly. He hasn't said anything about what he did in the past but my heart felt like someone was crushing it with their bare hand already. I didn't want to remember it ever again but his presence livened the pain again.

I groaned inwardly when I noticed that my vision seemed to turn blurry that I couldn't see the road clearly. Because of that, I accidentally stepped on something that made me slip.

I squealed as I landed on the hard surface of the road.

"Ina!" Xzavier hurriedly approached me. "Are you okay? Fùck. You're bleeding!" That made me panic and searched where the bleeding was coming from with my eyes. My right knee and right elbow were indeed bleeding because of some scrapes.

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