chapter 28

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A/N: Hi, Amores! Sorry, I totally forgot to update. I was so busy the whole day that's why it slipped off my mind. Thankfully, it's still 7 pm here. Enjoy reading. :)



I smiled contentedly as I checked the picture that I managed to snap on my camera. The picturesque view here in the ranch is really one of a kind. I've been living here for more than three years now but the scenic view still takes my breath away.

It's peaceful, quiet and safe not to mention the wonderful people and I couldn't ask for more.

Today, I woke up early just for the purpose of taking beautiful pictures of nature. I'm currently in the wheat field and from this place, I could see the magnificent waterfalls from afar. It rained this early in the morning and the rainbow was still up there, adding more beauty to the view.

"You really love taking pictures now, huh?" I was about to take another shot when someone spoke behind me. I almost jumped out of my skin. I turned my head to look at the person who just arrived in obvious irritation.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have anything to do other than coming here to bother me?" It's been three days since we went out with the kids and he's been coming over everyday. But I didn't face him and pretended to be busy inside my room.

Because of that, he left the bouquet of flowers he had to my parents.

"I told you before, right? I said that I would never give up on you that's why I decided to court you."

"Court me? Do you even know how to court? And what do you mean by your question just now? Why do you sounded like you've know for quiet sometime that I loved taking pictures?" He averted his gaze right away and that made me furrow at him.

"What? Aren't you going to answer my questions? If you don't have any plans of answering, then leave." I then focused my attention on my camera and the view as if he wasn't there.

Ever since the day I discovered about cameras, my interest in them never faded as the time went by. In fact, I've been planning to study photography but I didn't have time until.

"I just happen to know. Damn, I've never dreamed that I would get intimidated by a woman until now. Now, I understand how scary it is when the woman you love is mad at you. Your feistiness is making my knees tremble." I pretended that I didn't hear what he just said but my heat started thumping. Damn it! Why does my heart need to react to everything that he says?!

"Anyway, this is for you, Ina." My forehead crinkled and looked back at him. He was holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Now I understand why he had his hands behind him since he arrived.

"Why are you giving me that?" I feigned ignorance.

"Didn't you hear what I've said just now? I want to court you, Ina." I could see the determination in his eyes. I gritted my teeth.

"I don't have any plans for your lies and games." I was about to walk past him when he stopped me by the hand.

"I love you. Is that so hard to believe?"

"Stop with the lies. I don't buy it." For some reason, my eyes watered and my voice cracked as a rush of different emotions attacked my chest.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. No matter how many times I need to repeat and shout it to the world, I will do it. I will not repeat what I've done in the past that I let you slip through my fingers like that. This time, it's different. I'm offering my everything to you, my Ina, and all I'm asking from you is another chance. Please?" I wanted to flat out decline but I felt like there was a sudden lump in my throat.

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