Bailey Protect

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Sasha lays, asleep in bed with Meredith's head on her chest. She groans as the alarm starts buzzing until Meredith shuts it off. She then snuggles in closer to Sasha while the later kisses her head, "Morning."

"Morning. Bailey's gonna kill me."

The alarm sounds again, "We've got to get up. I'm not gonna be late."

Meredith shakes her head, throwing a leg over Sasha and laying directly on top of her.

"Mer, I love cuddling, but I also like not being fired. Come on," Sasha grunts as she stands, Meredith still koala holding her, "You have three seconds to unlatch before I throw you in the shower."

Pouting up at her girlfriend, Meredith stands on her own two feet and kisses Sasha, "We could've stayed in bed all day and had sex."

Laughing, Sasha moves past her to the bathroom, "And as much fun as that would have been, we have work."


Getting out of the driver's seat, Sasha laughs as Meredith and Derek almost run into each other exiting their respective cars, "Crap."


"Hi. We're late," Meredith grabs Sasha's hand and starts rushing into the hospital.

"You're avoiding me."

Sasha nods, "Yes, but also very late."

Derek runs next to them, "Are we ever going to talk about this?"


"About us and Bailey and what she saw?" Derek asks, keeping stride with Meredith's long steps.

She shakes her head, "I don't need to talk about it. I experienced it...naked."

"This is getting complicated," Derek smirks.

"Complicated for me. I'm the taken intern sleeping with the attending. Bailey isn't speaking to me anymore," Meredith complains, gripping Sasha's hand.

Derek shrugs as they enter the hospital, "Not that that's a bad thing. If I was a better guy, I'd walk away."

"Yes, you would."

He asks her, looking serious, "Do you want me to be a better guy?"

"No," Sasha says as Meredith disagrees, "Yes."

Looking at her watch, Sasha pulls on Meredith's arm, "C'mon. We're late, it'll be faster to take the stairs."

Racing to the locker room, they both start changing and are surprised to see Cristina come in after them, "You're late."

"So are you two."

"I know, and I can't afford to piss Bailey off any more. Do you think she told anyone?" Meredith asks as Sasha studies her sister.

"About you and McDreamy? No. He's her boss, too."

Sasha pins her badge to her lab coat as Meredith asks, "If they find out, what can they-can they kick me out, or..."

Cristina shakes her head, changing into her scrubs, "No...not officially. You'll just get edged out, blacklisted, banned from his surgeries, passed over for chief resident. It'll be humiliating, but you'll live. Hey, why isn't Bailey treating you this way?"

"I don't know. Maybe she doesn't think I'm in on that part of the relationship," Sasha shrugs.

"We have to end it. We definitely have to end it. We have to end it, right?" Meredith looks to the sisters.

"Meredith, shut up," Cristina tells her as they all leave the locker room.

Following Cristina, Sasha is trying to put together what's so different about her sister as Meredith questions, "Did you just tell me to shut up?'

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