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Burke and Sasha walk through the ambulance bay where gunfire is then rain-downed on them. She watches as a patient goes down first, then Burke, then she feels a a sharp pain in her leg and she goes down.

She feels someone putting pressure on her leg, "Williams! Williams! I need some help over here!" Bailey yells. 

Sasha stares up at the sky, before her brain catches up with the pain and she tries to sit up, groaning, "Ugh! God damn it that hurts!" 

"Whoa, whoa, stay down!" Bailey pushes her back down, "You've got a GSW to your thigh."

"No, Bailey, I'm fin-ugh!" Sasha groans, looking down at her leg, "That's a lot of blood."

"Get me a stretcher!" Bailey calls out to one of the nurses not assisting another surgeon with getting Burke on another stretcher.

Once the stretcher is close enough, Bailey helps Sasha to sit on it, keeping pressure on her leg as they are rolled in after Burke, Webber asking, "How bad is it?"

"Uh, GSW to the right shoulder," The trauma surgeon explains Burke's injuries first, "He's lost a lot of blood."

"All right, get him to trauma one. And keep the blinds closed. Yangs on the floor," Webber tells him, "What about Williams?"

"GSW to the right femur otherwise just fine," Sasha answers before Bailey can.

Webber looks to Bailey, "Is that true?" 

Bailey shrugs, "I wanna run tests and scans before claiming she's fine."

He nods, pointing, "Get her to trauma three, same thing. Don't need Yang seeing her all bloody."

Sasha argues with Bailey the entire way to the trauma room, "Best way to not worry Cristina is to let me get up and do my job."

"Sit your butt down and let me make sure your okay, Williams," Bailey leaves no room for argument, "Someone page Torres. No one tell Yang, Grey or either Shepherds."


Cristina walks out of Burke's trauma room to go check on Denny like Burke asks and finds George, Izzie and Meredith already in the room with Izzie pumping Denny's heart, "What the hell is going on?"

"That's exactly what I said," Meredith says.

"She cut his LVAD wires!" George panics. 

"What do you mean, you cut his LVAD wires?"

Cristina looks at the blonde, "Are you trying to kill him?"

Izzie argues, "I'm trying to save him. All I have to do is confirm that his condition is worse, and then Burke can call UNOS and he'll move up on the list, and he will get his heart."

"About Burke-" Cristina moves her hands into her hair.

George looks to Meredith, "She's gone insane, right? It's not just me?"

"About Burke-"

"Everything will be fine!" Izzie shouts, "When Burke gets here, everything will be fine. He will know what to do."

"About Burke-"

"What?!" George screams.

Cristina says, "He's been shot."

They all stop and stare at her."

George takes over pumping Denny's heart as Izzie freaks out, "Burke's not coming?"

Meredith looks to her person, "Cristina, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Burke's not coming?"

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