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Sasha and Meredith jog out of the hospital and over to the former's car. They get in and quickly drive over to the Grey house.


The next morning, all the interns gather outside of the bathroom door where Izzie has been inside all night, "Izzie. Izzie. Come on."

George sighs, "Okay, she's been in there all night. We have to do something."

"Yeah," Alex and Cristina agree before all three look at Meredith.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Meredith asks.

"Well, this is familiar territory for you," Cristina states, like it's obvious. 

Meredith shakes her head, "There is nothing familiar about this. Sasha can relate more than I can. Unfamiliar. Denny died. The man she loves died."

Cristina shrugs, "Yeah, but you're all dark and twisty inside."

Sasha rolls her eyes before knocking on the door, "Stevens, I'm coming in."

George stops her, "Whoa. You don't even like Izzie. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"She's grieving, O'Malley," Sasha reminds him, "I'm a bitch but not a heartless one."

The others nod in agreement so they allow her to enter the bathroom where she sits next to Izzie, leaning against the bathtub.

"The only reason I'm sitting on this damn floor is because you're in charge of cleaning."

Izzie doesn't say anything.

"Okay, the silent portion of grief. Could you just give me an indicator of which stage you're at? Anger? Sadness? Denial? Bargaining? Acceptance?"


"Then I'll just sit here until you feel like talking. For the record, I am sorry about Denny. Losing someone you love sucks and I wouldn't even wish that on you or O'Malley," Sasha sighs, moving her legs out in front of her and crossing them at the ankles before laying her head back on the edge of the tub.

"Good to know."


After sitting in silence for about 15 minutes, Izzie speaks quietly, "I-I appreciate you being here. I know how much you don't like me."

Sasha sighs, crossing her arms, "That may be true, but I'd rather hate you when you don't look like the girl who didn't win prom queen," She gestures to the messed up make-up and hair, as well as the prom dress Izzie still had on, "Look like a normal person again and I'd be happy to go back to normal."

"Why were you the one sent in? I would've though George or Alex or Meredith or even Cristina before you."

"I know death. We've been friends since I was nine," Sasha jokes slightly, "My mom...she died alone," Izzie turns to face her as she shares this story, "I was a floor below. Picking out a bouquet of flowers because it was mother's day. She hadn't felt like the best mom since we'd been staying at the hospital basically all the time since I was seven. I wanted to get her some flowers that I thought showed her how much I loved her," She looks down, "I spent an hour picking out the perfect bouquet. I had gotten back to her room when the doctor informed the nurse, Sylvie, who was my caregiver during most of my time there, that my mom had passed away 40 minutes before hand. I didn't know this when I tried to present the flowers to my mom and got no response. Like you, I then proceeded to climb into the bed and cling to her. No one either had the heart to or could remove me for over and hour and a half. I wish they had."

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