The Vet Decision

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Sasha watches as Meredith and the Vet give each other flirty eyes before picking up her phone and calling Derek.


"Hey, it's about Doc."

"No, no, no, no," Derek says to whoever he's with, "It's about Doc. Yeah, what's going on?"

"Mer and I have to get to the hospital soon, can you pick him up this morning and take him home?"

"Yeah, I can pick him up this morning. Sure. I-"

There is a sound of fighting over the phone before Addison's voice comes on the line, "Hey, Dr. Dan-Dr. Dandridge. We're gonna have to call you back cause we're trying really hard to have some decent sex here. What? What is so funny?"

The line disconnects as Sasha runs a hand over her face before Meredith looks over to her, "Everything okay?"

"Everything's great," Sasha adds some bite to the last word before bending down to pet Doc who had immediately run over to her when Finn brought him in, "Hey, Doc. You look so good. Everything okay with him?"

Finn looks to Meredith as he explains, "It may just be a virus, but I'd like to wait till we get the blood tests and the x-ray back before I say anything for sure."

Sasha stands, moving to hold Meredith's hand, "So he can go home today? Derek says he can pick him up."

"He can go home."

Meredith looks down to the dog, "You hear that, Doc? You can go home."

Finn looks between Sasha and Meredith, "So, you two,'re together."

Sasha nods, "Yeah, for about five years now."

"And Derek..."

"We're just friends," Meredith explains.

Feeling her phone buzz, Sasha sees Cristina is calling her, "Sorry, I need to take this. It's my sister."

Heading out to the waiting room, Sasha leaves Meredith and Finn to talk, "Hey, Cristina, what's up?"

"Burke is moping around without O'Malley. I need someone who isn't pouting to talk to."

"I think the vet is flirting with Mer right in front of me. And I called Derek to get him to pick up Doc this morning but Addison took over the call to tell me they're having sex."

Cristina is quiet for a second before bursting into laughter, "You're relationship problems make me feel so much better about mine. How do you feel about the vet?"

Sasha shakes her head, "Like I would rather date O'Malley."

"Jeez, that bad?"

"He's just not doing anything for me, romantically. But Mer seems revved up. I don't know, we just haven't been on the same page lately."

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Cristina asks.

"I don't know, maybe? She's just been so all over the place in who she's sleeping with and not including me on like any of it."

"Well, didn't you do the same thing with Sloan? You slept with him when he was in town."

"He paid attention and listened to me. Except for the one where I said my legs weren't open to him."

"I think that was your own rule you broke there."

"Can we go back to your problems? They made me feel better about myself," Sasha groans, "Look, bring Burke a coffee and get on one of his surgeries. Isn't that how you two got together in the first place?"

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